Author Archives: Emily Gainer

Call for Applications: 2024 SOA Scholarships

The Society of Ohio Archivists is pleased to announce five scholarships available to students (2 awards), and new archival professionals (2 awards) with three years or less experience in the workplace. The final scholarship category, the Ohio Preservation Council Student/New Professional Scholarship, is available to either students or new professionals.

The awards will be presented at the SOA Annual Meeting business meeting which will be held on Friday, May 17, 2024 at Capital University in Bexley, Ohio. Applications are due by March 18, 2024.

The scholarship consists of registration to the SOA annual meeting (including lunch), a one-year SOA membership, and a $100 travel stipend. Awardees are required to submit a photograph and write about their experience for publication in the Ohio Archivist newsletter.

How to Apply: Applications should include the following information:

  • Applicant’s name, mailing address, and email address.
  • Students should list their school’s name and academic program;
  • New professionals should list their employer and number of years working within the field;
  • Description about how the meeting will benefit the applicant professionally;
  • Brief description of the applicant’s scholarship and contribution to archives. This will be taken into consideration along with the applicant’s number of years in the field or academic study;
  • Statement of the applicant’s need for financial support to attend the conference;
  • Details: Scholarship page.

Applications and inquiries can be sent via email to Membership & Awards Committee co-chairs Jennifer Long Morehart and Helen CongerDue March 18, 2024. Download the Scholarship announcement PDF.

Call for Nominations: 2024 SOA Merit Award

The SOA Membership & Awards Committee seeks nominations for the 2024 Society of Ohio Archivists Merit Award.

The award is given to individuals or organizations that have by excellence in deeds, actions, or initiatives improved the state of archives in Ohio over the past year. The award will be announced at the SOA Annual Meeting, which will be held on Friday, May 17, 2024 at Capital University in Bexley, Ohio. Continue reading

SOA Council Minutes from November 2023 and January 2024

The Society of Ohio Archivists most recent leadership meeting minutes from November 3, 2023, and January 5, 2024, can now be found on the Council Meeting Minutes page.

Interested in SOA over time? Also on that page are minutes dating back to 1997. In addition to documenting actions from the leadership meeting, minutes include reports from the treasurer as well as from committees and task forces.

Questions about minutes? Contact SOA Secretary Shelby Beatty.

Internship Opportunity: Oberlin College Archives Summer 2024

Sharing an internship opportunity:

2024 Weidenthal Undergraduate Summer Intern at the Oberlin College Archives.

Internship Description: The Oberlin College Archives invites applicants for the position of Weidenthal Undergraduate Summer Intern for 2024. The internship provides an opportunity for an undergraduate student at any institution to learn about arrangement and description of collections, digitization, exhibit installation and outreach activities, reference, records management, and other responsibilities of archivists in an academic setting. Continue reading

Ohio Archivist News & Notes Spring 2024

Ohio Archivist Call for News and Notes

It’s that time again – the Ohio Archivist editor is collecting submissions of News and Notes for the Spring 2024 issue of the Society of Ohio Archivists’ newsletter. You do not have to be a member of SOA to submit your news – all Ohio archives, records, and special collections news is welcome! Continue reading

SOA Membership Renewal 2024

Renew Your Society of Ohio Archivists Membership!

Dear SOA members,

Thank you for supporting the Society of Ohio Archivists during the past year. Your dedication enables SOA to provide community, networking opportunities, professional development, funding, and advocacy efforts for archivists and aspiring archivists. Highlights from the past year include: Continue reading

Call for Proposals 2024. Archives for All: Enhancing Accessibility and Inclusivity

Society of Ohio Archivists Annual Meeting, May 2024

The Society of Ohio Archivists is planning a hybrid Annual Meeting on Thursday (virtual only) and Friday (hybrid), May 16-17, 2024. The in-person portion of the conference (Friday, May 17) will be held at Capital University in Bexley, Ohio. Continue reading

SOA Welcomes Jim DaMico to Council

SOA would like to welcome Jim DaMico, Archivist at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, to Council.

A portrait photograph of Jim DaMico

Jim DaMico

DaMico was elected during a special election for a vacant SOA Council seat during October 2023.  The Council seat has a term ending at the SOA Annual Meeting in May 2024.

Thank you to the Nominating Committee for handling this special election. More details about Council and Officers can be found on the SOA website.

Call for Nominations for SOA Council 2023

The SOA Nominating Committee would like to announce a call for nominations for

  • Vice President/President Elect,
  • Treasurer, and
  • Member of Council.

Self-nominations are welcomed and encouraged, as are peer nominations. We welcome and encourage nominations of new professionals and/or those seeking to be involved in a professional organization for the first time. All positions are for two year terms of office, with the exception of the VP/President/Past President cycle which is one year in each position (3 year commitment total).

Continue reading

Ohio Archives Month Spotlight 5: Cleveland Police

Ohio Archives Month Spotlights: Cleveland Police Historical Society and Museum

The Society of Ohio Archivists Advocacy and Outreach Committee is happy to announce that we will be spotlighting archives around the state again this year to celebrate archives month throughout October 2023. Each of our archives spotlights will feature places that house materials related to the theme of the posterLand, Water, & Air: Transportation in Ohio.

by Christine Liebson, MLIS, CA


A black and white historical photograph of a Harly Davidson police motorcycle. It is parked in front of a brick building.

1939 Harley Davidson police motorcycle

The Cleveland Police Historical Society and Museum exists to collect and preserve Cleveland police history and to use its collection and programs to educate the public and to foster a mutual understanding and respect between law enforcement and the public. The Cleveland Police Historical Society (CPHS) works in cooperation with, but is independent of, the Cleveland Division of Police. Financial support comes from membership dues, donations, and small grants from various government agencies and private organizations. The CPHS receives no tax funds from the City of Cleveland, State of Ohio, or the Federal Government. The Cleveland Police Museum opened in June 1983 with Florence E. Schwein as its director. The current director, Mazie Adams, graciously accepted our invitation for an interview to share with us about her work and collections at the museum. Continue reading