Author Archives: Emily Gainer

Special Election – Council Candidate Statements 2023

Candidate Statements Available for Vacant Council Seat

Voting for the special election for the vacant SOA Council seat is now open! Voting is open from Monday, October 16 through Tuesday, October 31. Please click here to access the ballot for the special election.

The Council seat will have a term ending at the SOA Annual Meeting in May 2024. The person who completes this term can run for a term in their own right in the regular 2024 election if they wish. More details about responsibilities and terms can be located in the SOA bylaws.

Running for the vacant Council seat are:

A portrait photograph of Sophia McGuire.

Sophia McGuire

A portrait photograph of Jim DaMico

Jim DaMico

  • Sophia McGuire, Records Management Analyst, Council Office, City of Gahanna. Read Sophia McGuire’s Candidate Statement.
  • Jim DaMico, Archivist, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Read Jim DaMico’s Candidate Statement.


Questions? Contact the SOA Nominating Committee.

Ohio Archives Month Spotlight 2: Inland Rivers Library

Ohio Archives Month Spotlights: Inland Rivers Library, Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public Library

1895 informal group portrait with mostly women, one man, and several children wearing fine clothes and hats on the shores of a river with a steamboat in the background

Caption: Group waiting to board a steamboat at Evansville, Indiana, 1895. Photograph link

The Society of Ohio Archivists Advocacy and Outreach Committee is happy to announce that we will be spotlighting archives around the state again this year to celebrate archives month throughout October 2023. Each of our archives spotlights will feature places that house materials related to the theme of the poster, Land, Water, & Air: Transportation in Ohio.

About the Inland Rivers Library

By A&O Committee member Erin Wilson, Ohio University Libraries

Sepia toned photo of Cotton Blossom showboat on the banks of the Ohio River with band members on board and children posing on the shore and boat ramp

People aboard Cotton Blossom showboat on the banks of the Ohio River, circa 1908-1917. Photograph link

Have you ever wondered what life was like along the Ohio River when steamboats were the dominant form of transport? Whether you’re interested in river travel, trade, navigation, or the history of local river towns, the Inland Rivers Library is one of the largest and most comprehensive collections documenting use of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and their tributaries. Housed in the Genealogy and Local History Department of the Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public Library, the Inland Rivers collection includes materials dating back to the 1820s which present some of the earliest images and descriptions of the steamboat era and its Ohio locales.

Continue reading

Archives Month Poster 2023 Announcement

Celebrate American Archives Month in Ohio with the 2023 poster

An image of the 2023 Ohio Archives Month poster. The text Land, Water and Air is in the center with an orange banner around it. Historic images surround the text.

Ohio Archives Month poster 2023. Land, Water, & Air: Transportation in Ohio

October is American Archives Month! Each year, SOA creates a poster to recognize and celebrate Archives Month. The theme for 2023 poster is Land, Water, & Air: Transportation in Ohio. You can download and share a PDF of the 2023 Archives Month Poster. Thank you again to all those who submitted images for consideration!

In keeping with this year’s poster theme, during October the Advocacy and Outreach Committee will be highlighting transportation-related archives with Archives Spotlight blog posts.

SOA’s Archives Month activity is managed by the Advocacy and Outreach Committee. Questions? Contact the committee at [email protected].

Ohio Archives Month Spotlight 1: Wright State University

Ohio Archives Month Spotlights: Wright State University Special Collections and Archives

by Collette N. McDonough, CA 

A photograph of the research spaces at Wright State University Special Collections and Archives. A man and woman stand in front of an exhibit case.

Research spaces at Special Collections and Archives in the Wright State University Libraries. Credit: Wright State University.

The Society of Ohio Archivists Advocacy and Outreach Committee is happy to announce that we will be spotlighting archives around the state again this year to celebrate archives month throughout October. Each of our archives spotlights will feature places that house materials related the theme of the poster, Land, Water, & Air: Transportation in Ohio.



The first archives we will be spotlighting in 2023 is Wright State University Special Collections and Archives. Even though Wright State’s submission was not featured on the poster this year, we are happy to have them front and center in our first archives spotlight.

Historical image in sepia tone. Shows an airplane on a beach and a man in dark clothing standing on the right side.

This famous image, taken by John T. Daniels, captures a moment of the twelve-second first flight. Daniels walked up from the U.S. Lifesaving Station at Kill Devil Hills to help the brothers. The Wright Brothers did not know if the image caught their airplane in flight until they developed the negatives at home back in Dayton, Ohio.

Wright State University was founded in the 1960s as a part of a plan to make higher education more convenient for Ohioans and got its start as a joint campus of the Ohio State University and Miami University. By 1967, the campus was granted independent status and named in honor of Dayton’s favorite sons, inventors of the manned heavier-than-air powered and controlled aircraft. The Wright State archive got its start with their first collection of Wright Brothers materials. In December 1975, the Wright Family “including Ivonette Wright Miller, Leontine Wright Jameson, Horace A. Wright, Milton Wright, Jr., and Wilkinson Wright,” gave materials to the archives to become the Wright Brothers Collection. Continue reading

Internship Available at OCLC 2024

Sharing an Internship Opportunity

Posting Date: September 27, 2023

Institution: OCLC

Internship Description: We are looking to fill a part-time internship beginning in mid-January 2024 for a current MLIS or Archives/Museum studies student at the OCLC Library, Archives, and Museum located within the OCLC Headquarters in Dublin, OH.  Internship is for a total of 268 hours at $17.00 per hour with some flexibility in starting and ending dates.  Estimating approximately 20-30 hours/week.

Additional Information: Students must currently be enrolled in a LIS, Archives or Museum studies graduate level program. Internship is intended for on-site attendance with some remote work if logistically possible and pre-approved by OCLC Library manager.​ For more information, check the link to the job posting and application.

Availability: beginning January 15, 2024, and ending before May 1, 2024.

For more internships, visit Internship and Volunteer listings, which is a project of the Membership and Awards Committee. Contact committee member Mark Bloom to submit or update an entry.

Internship Available at Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation 2023

Sharing an Internship Opportunity

Posting Date: September 19th until October 4, 2023

Institution: Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation

Internship Description: We are looking for a highly motivated student with an interest in museums, archives, and libraries to help us digitize and catalog archival material in the BWC Archive. The intern will be involved with the planning of museum exhibits at the BWC William Green building in downtown Columbus.

Additional Information: Must currently be enrolled in a higher education program. All majors will be considered but those expected to be most relevant include library science, museum and archive studies, and history. Compensation: $13.50 – $20.59. For more information check the link to the job posting and application.

Contact Person: Sharon Roney, MLIS, Ohio BWC Library Administrator; 614-466-0580

Availability: year-round.

For more internships, visit Internship and Volunteer listings, which is a project of the Membership and Awards Committee. Contact committee member Mark Bloom to submit or update an entry.

Ohio Archives Month Poster Reveal on YouTube

Did you miss the Ohio Archives Month poster reveal live on September 7?  You can now watch the recorded event on the Society of Ohio Archivists YouTube channel.

Each year, SOA creates a poster to recognize and celebrate Archives Month in Ohio. This year’s theme is transportation. We had more than 20 Ohio institutions contribute images, and the SOA membership voted to pick the top ten images.

Questions? Contact the committee at [email protected].

SOA Bylaws Revision Task Force – Call for Volunteers

Volunteers Needed for Bylaws Revision Task Force

The SOA Council recently decided to form a task force that is charged with providing SOA Council recommendations on possible updates to the SOA Bylaws. More specifically the task force has been asked to look at how the Bylaws can better support:

  1. Increased democratization of organizational decision-making.
  2. The improved efficiency of Council administration.
  3. The identification, and where practical, reconciliation of differences between the SOA Council Manual and the SOA Constitution & Bylaws.

Our goal for the task force membership is to have representatives from SOA Council, Committee co-chairs, and the general membership. Consequently, if you are interested in serving on this task force as a representative of the general membership please contact Vice President/President-Elect Matt Francis with your interest by Wednesday, September 20, 2023. Continue reading

Call for Nominations – Special Election 2023

Nominating Committee Calls for Nominations

The SOA Nominating Committee would like to announce a call for nominations for a special election to fill the Council seat with the term ending at the SOA Annual Meeting in May 2024. The person who completes this term can run for a term in their own right in the regular 2024 election if they wish. Self-nominations are welcomed and encouraged, as are peer nominations.

Candidates must be current SOA members in good standing and be willing and able to attend monthly council meetings and business activities (both in-person and virtually).

The election will be held online from October 16-October 31. Candidates will be required to write a response to a question to be published on SOA’s website prior to the election.

More details about responsibilities and terms can be located in the SOA bylaws.

I would also be happy to answer any questions about the position. Please respond to me with any nominations by Wednesday, September 20, 2023.


Amy Rohmiller
Past President & Chair, Nominating Committee
Society of Ohio Archivists

SOA Strategic Plan 2023-2026 Now Available

Message from the Strategic Planning Committee Chair

I’m pleased to announce that SOA has completed our strategic planning process, and the 2023-2026 strategic plan is now available on the website. This plan has strategies for success across the organization to help SOA meet its vision to be the primary provider of professional development for archivists and historical records professionals in Ohio. You can follow our progress towards these goals by checking the task tracker on the site, which will be updated regularly.

I’d like to thank all the members of SOA’s leadership in 2022-23 and 2023-24 for their work in creating the plan and helping refine the goals and tasks. We would not have this plan without their active participation. I’d especially like to thank the members of the strategic planning committee over the past 18 months: Melissa Dalton, Sherri Goudy, Collette McDonough, and Nick Pavlik for their work every step of the way. Finally, thanks to Rob Colby for helping us start the process and Jennifer Souers Chevraux for helping us bring this plan to fruition.

I hope you take the time to read the plan and see what SOA hopes to achieve for our profession!

Amy Rohmiller
Past-President & Chair, Strategic Planning Committee