Category Archives: News

2020 SOA Annual Meeting: Archiving 100 Years of Change

Join your colleagues on Tuesday June 16 & Wednesday June 17, for the 2020 Society of Ohio Archivists virtual conference, Archiving 100 Years of Change.

Kimberly A. Hamlin portrait

Plenary speaker Kimberly A. Hamlin, award-winning historian, speaker, and writer.

Starting off the conference our plenary speaker, Kimberly Hamlin, will be discussing sex, race, and suffrage in the archives, based on her research into suffragist Helen Hamilton Gardener. Over the course of two days, we will have sessions discussing digitizing community collections, digital preservation, preserving oral histories, learning from challenges in the archives and more. We hope to “see” you at our upcoming meeting on Zoom!

Schedule: To see the full schedule and to register, visit the SOA conference page at

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Keep in Touch: Update Email Address if Necessary

Dear SOA members,

In this unstable time, please let us know if you need to change your preferred email address for SOA Membership communications. If so, please email [email protected] with your current email address and the email address that you’d like it changed to. Also, if you need to change your Listserv email settings, you can do it here.

Soon we will be contacting members regarding online voting for leadership positions, as well as annual meeting and newsletter news, and we don’t want to miss you!

SOA Annual Conference 2020 (virtual): Save the Dates June 16-17!

Kimberly A. Hamlin portrait

Plenary speaker Kimberly A. Hamlin, award-winning historian, speaker, and writer.

Save the dates! SOA has moved its annual conference online! Join us Tuesday June 16-Wednesday June 17, 2020, for our virtual conference, Archiving 100 Years of Change. Watch the annual conference website for more details, including the schedule and registration, as they are updated to reflect meeting virtually.

Can’t wait to see you in June!
Questions? Please contact Society of Ohio Archivists’s Educational Programming Committee Cochairs Stephanie Bricking or
William Modrow

Ohio Humanities COVID-19 Cultural Sector Survey: Please Fill Out!

COVID-19 graphic from the CDCPlease fill out the below Ohio Humanities survey by April 7 if possible. Each organization/institution should fill it out once, regardless of whether or not it anticipates needing future aid.


During these moments of national crisis, the cultural and heritage nonprofit sector is frequently overlooked. People turn to the humanities and arts to understand what is going on and for solace. Governor DeWine’s frequent assurances that Ohioans have faced tough times before and prevailed–and will do so again–are informed by his knowledge of our state’s history. While our sector isn’t working in emergency departments or the grocery stores, gas stations, and banks deemed critical, we help fortify those who do with insight and an enhanced quality of life.

Your responses to this survey are vital and will help Ohio Humanities craft an emergency plan to distribute federal stimulus funds to help Ohio’s cultural heritage community. We’ll use this to plan and distribute federal stimulus funds and create other services to fortify your institution as you address your community’s needs in the face of COVID-19. Continue reading

Now Full! SOA/ALAO SCAig Joint Workshop Now Virtual on May 14, 2020–Register Now

Recording is now available at

Workshop: Opening Doors: Outreach with Archives and Special Collections

Great news! Our joint Society of Ohio Archivists/Special Collections & Archives interest group (SCAig) of ALAO workshop has moved online!

Date/Time: Thursday, May 14, 2020, 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Place: Live online with Zoom
Cost: FREE
Limited to 80 participants!
Register now at Continue reading

Cancelled: SOA Annual Meeting, May 14-15, 2020 (Now virtual June 16-17)

The Annual Meeting will now be virtual on June 16-17, 2020! Watch the annual meeting page for updates!

Based on recent developments regarding COVID-19, the uncertainty it has created, and the great health risk it poses, Council has decided to cancel the 2020 Ohio Archivists’ Annual Meeting scheduled for May 14-15, 2020 at the Columbus Metropolitan Main Library in Columbus.

Discussions are ongoing regarding the possible rescheduling of the conference/preconference workshop for another date or other alternative options. As decisions are made, we will continue to update you. Continue reading

The Ohio History Connection’s History Fund Grants Support History in Ohio! Please Donate.

Ohio History Fund promo "Oh shoot! My taxes are due." Features Annie Oakley.The Ohio History Connection’s History Fund grant program is one of the few grant programs in the state just for history projects, including the care of and access to archival material. The Ohio History Fund needs your help to make more grants.  If you receive a refund on your Ohio income taxes, consider donating a portion of it to the “Ohio History Fund” tax “check-off,” line 26f on your state tax return.

Since the Ohio History Connection established it in 2012, the Ohio History Fund has made grants for 16 archives, library, and digitization projects, totaling more than $166,000. These include the digitization of oral histories about WWII at BGSU’s Center for Archival Collections (2018), the digitization of historic Butler County atlases held by the MidPointe Library (2013), and, at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum Archives, the processing of the papers of Cleveland Plain Dealer reporter Jane Scott, who covered the rock music beat from 1952-2002 (2015). Continue reading

SOA Call for Nominations EXTENDED: President-Elect/Vice President, Treasurer, Council

The Society of Ohio Archivists Nominating Committee would like to announce a call for nominations for 3 positions: one open Council position and the President-Elect/Vice President and Treasurer positions. Self-nominations are welcomed and encouraged, as are peer nominations. All positions are for two year terms of office. Continue reading