Tuesday is your last chance! SOA Annual Conference Early Bird Registration Closes April 30th

Be sure to register by next Tuesday! Early bird registration ends on April 30th!

Join us in Akron on May 16-17, 2019, for two days of Invention and Innovation!

Thursday, May 16

Pre-conference workshops led by Drs. Karen Gracy and Heather Soyka, held at the Kent State University Library.

    • Morning (9:00 AM – Noon): Fundamentals of Born-Digital Archiving
    • Afternoon (2:00 PM – 5:00 PM): Beyond the Basics: More Concepts and Strategies for Digital Archiving
    • Early bird pricing for SOA members: $30 for 1 workshop or $50 for both! Early bird registration ends April 30th.

Evening Mixer at the National Museum for the History of Psychology, where you can tour the museum and mingle with colleagues. 6:00-8:00 PM / $25 to register. Registration closes April 30th.

Friday, May 17

Annual Meeting at the Hilton Akron/Fairlawn Hotel from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. See annual conference page for sleeping room block information.

Kathleen Roe portraitThe day starts off with a plenary from Kathleen Roe, past president of the Society of American Archivists. Her talk, “Reimagining the Future of the Archival Past,” will focus on the future of archival work, including ensuring our institutions collect materials that reflect a comprehensive, inclusive past, conveying the value of archives in meaningful ways to a wide range of users and audiences, and stepping forward to strengthen our profession and its role in our communities and society.

Join us for sessions on building a diverse repository, collaborative projects, job hunting, processing collections, and teaching in the archives, as well as mini-workshops on advocacy and records management. Attendees will also have the option to attend poster sessions, mock job interviews, and bid in the annual silent auction.

Annual meeting early bird registration is only $45 for SOA members! Early bird registration ends April 30th. Register at http://www.ohiohistorystore.com/Product.aspx?ProductId=9197

Visit the SOA conference website for the latest information and follow along on Twitter at #soaam19.

Last Updated on December 6, 2022 by

SOA Archives Month Poster Submission- Deadline Friday, March 29, 2019

This Friday, March 29, 2019 is the deadline to submit photographs, documents and other graphical materials for the SOA Archives Month poster. Please consider submitting material(s) from your institution.

This year’s theme is Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Ohio’s Role in Space Exploration, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20, 1969.  Your submissions should demonstrate a connection to Ohio or the contributions of its residents in the development of the technologies that lead to the Space Race and space exploration. Here’s your chance to highlight interesting, fun, and thought-provoking items from your collections!

If interested in participating, please submit your images (limit of 3 per institution) to Melissa Dalton at mdalton@co.greene.oh.us by Friday, March 29, 2019. SOA members will have the opportunity to vote on their favorite entry between Monday, April 8, 2019 – Friday, April 26, 2019.

We look forward to your participation!

Last Updated on July 19, 2020 by janet_carleton

SOA Annual Meeting Preconference Workshops Announced

Registration coming soon!

Workshop I: Fundamentals of Born-Digital Archiving (Beginner)
THURSDAY MAY 16, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM – Kent State University Libraries, Kent.
Instructors: Dr. Gracy & Dr. Soyka

This workshop is designed for archivists with little or no prior experience with the management of digital records and objects. Instructors will cover basic concepts of digital preservation and electronic recordkeeping, and will provide multiple examples to illustrate concepts and challenges.

Topics to be addressed will include:
• Types of digital records and media formats
• Digital longevity challenges
• Metadata requirements for digital archiving, including technical and administrative data needs
• Practical digital preservation strategies, including refreshing, reformatting, and migration
• Software tools for digital preservation activities, such as checksum generation/validation, file characterization/validation, and metadata harvesting
• Demonstrations of basic workflows for acquisition, appraisal, preservation, and access to digital records/objects, including a walkthrough of Archivematica
• Communicating with administrators about digital archiving requirements

Attendees will also engage in hands-on exercises designed to help them apply what they are learning to particular record types and varied scenarios. Limited to 30 per workshop.

Workshop II: Beyond the Basics: More Concepts and Strategies for Digital Archiving (Intermediate/Advanced)
THURSDAY MAY 16, 2:00 PM-5:00 PM – Kent State University Libraries, Kent.
Instructors: Dr. Gracy & Dr. Soyka

The afternoon session is designed for archivists with some prior experience and comfort with the basics of electronic recordkeeping and digital archiving (as described in the morning session above). In this interactive afternoon session, we’ll dig into the complexities of decision-making for records retention, appraisal, digitization, and access. We’ll explore hot topics like email retention, archiving social media, and digital forensics, using tools like ePADD, Archive-It, and BitCurator, and look at various repository solutions for digital archiving. Finally, we’ll look at the National Digital Stewardship Alliance’s Levels of Digital Preservation and consider how to make progress with digital archiving goals, depending upon your repository’s resources and digital archiving requirements. Limited to 30 per workshop.


    • Early Bird Workshop Registration
      • SOA members: $30 for 1 workshop / $50 for 2 workshops; Nonmembers $35 for 1/$55 for 2; Students $25 for 1/$45 for 2.
      • Through April 30
    • Regular Preregistration–through May 10
      • SOA members: $40 for 1 workshop / $60 for 2 workshops; Nonmembers $45 for 1/$65 for 2; Students $35 for 1/$55 for 2.
      • Through May 1-May 10
    • Onsite Registration: No onsite workshop registration.

Dr. Karen Gracy portraitInstructor: Dr. Karen F. Gracy is an associate professor in the School of Information at Kent State University. She teaches courses in the digital preservation and archival studies areas, with a particular interest in preservation of audiovisual resources. Dr. Gracy’s scholarly interests are found within the domain of cultural heritage stewardship, including applications of semantic technologies to improve description and access to archival materials. She is co-editor-in-chief of Preservation, Digital Technology and Culture, and recently edited Emerging Trends in Archival Science, a collection of research presented by scholars at the 2016 AERI conference held at Kent State.

Heather Soyka portraitInstructor: Dr. Heather Soyka is an assistant professor at the Kent State University iSchool, teaching in the areas of archives and special collections. She has been an active member of the Society of American Archivists for over a decade, and currently serves on the editorial board for the American Archivist and as the co-chair of the annual SAA Research Forum. She completed her PhD in archival studies/library and information sciences at the University of Pittsburgh.

Last Updated on March 20, 2019 by janet_carleton

Ohio Archives News & Events: Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Library & Archives Internship

Library & Archives Internship

The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame’s Library & Archives offers opportunities for intern experiences to graduate students preparing for careers in libraries and archives. Interns will work closely with one of the Rock Hall’s librarians or archivists to develop professional level skills that will prepare them for the workforce.

There are three internship projects currently offered:

  1. Processing of archival analog and digital A/V and manuscript collections and institutional records, to include arrangement and description, writing finding aids, the creation of metadata, and use of collection management system, Adlib.
  2. Library collection development, including the evaluation of the library backlog to assess accuracy of inventories, determine the core collection, and make recommendations for deaccession.
  3. Cataloging academic dissertations in OCLC, transferring records into collection management system, Adlib, and adding local holdings information.


An intern must currently be enrolled in a relevant graduate school program and completed coursework related to archives, library and information science, public history, music history, history, museum studies, or the equivalent. A maximum of 20 hours a week can be worked during the academic year for at least 8 weeks. Summer interns can work up to a 40-hour week. Interns are eligible for a stipend.


– Basic understanding of archival arrangement and description, collection development, or MARC cataloging as appropriate

– Detail-oriented

– Skilled with computers and databases

– Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal

– Ability to work independently and collaboratively

– Ability to lift up to 40 lbs

– Historical knowledge of rock and roll and related music genres strongly preferred

Application Procedures:

– Prepare a cover letter and resume.

– Prepare a one-page summary describing what you hope to bring to the internship and what you hope to gain during the internship

– Include a letter of reference/recommendation from a professor in your field. Letters may be sent separately to Sean Hislop at shislop@rockhall.org if necessary.

– You must submit a resume, cover letter, one-page summary, and letter of recommendation, otherwise your application will not be considered, to: https://workforcenow.adp.com/mascsr/default/mdf/recruitment/recruitment.html?cid=80a47eb5-22ff-4341-8868-724e4ba37887&jobId=16832&lang=en_US&source=CC10&ccId=19000101_000001

*Library & Archives internships are located in the Gill and Tommy LiPuma Center for Creative Arts on the Cuyahoga Community College Metro campus at 2809 Woodland Ave, Cleveland, OH 44115.

Last Updated on March 20, 2019 by janet_carleton

I Found It In the Archives: Ohio State Flag Patent

The Ohio state flag is unique and full of symbolism. It first flew on the Ohio building at the 1901 Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, New York where President William McKinley was assassinated. It was designed and patented by the architect of the Ohio building, John Eisenmann of Cleveland. He gave it to the State of Ohio in April 1902 when a bill introduced by Speaker of the House W.S. McKinnon was enacted to make it the state flag. It is the only non-rectangular state flag. Triangles formed by the main lines represent Ohio’s hills and valleys, stripes represent Ohio’s roads and waterways, stars indicate the thirteen original states of the Union and are grouped around a circle or O, which symbolizes the Northwest Territory. The four stars on the other side of the O denote that Ohio was the fourth new state to enter the Union. The original patented design is held by the Ohio History Connection in State Archives Series 1901.

Last Updated on March 11, 2019 by

SOA Archives Month Poster Theme Announced!

This year’s theme for the SOA Archives Month poster is Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Ohio’s Role in Space Exploration, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20, 1969.  We invite you to submit photographs, documents, or other graphical materials from your institution to be featured on the poster. These images should demonstrate a connection to Ohio or the contributions of its residents in the development of the technologies that lead to the Space Race and space exploration. Here’s your chance to highlight interesting, fun, and thought-provoking items from your collections!

See previous years’ posters under Archives Month here or on Pinterest.

If interested in participating, please submit your images (limit of 3 per institution) to Melissa Dalton at mdalton@co.greene.oh.us by Friday, March 29, 2019. SOA members will have the opportunity to vote on their favorite entry between Monday, April 8, 2019 – Friday, April 26, 2019.

We look forward to your participation!

Last Updated on July 19, 2020 by janet_carleton

Due Date Extended: Society of Ohio Archivists Student and New Professional Award Applications

The Society of Ohio Archivists (SOA) is pleased to announce four scholarships available to students (2 awards), and new archival professionals (2 awards) with three years or less experience in the workplace to attend their annual spring meeting on Friday, May 17, 2019 at the Hilton Akron/Fairlawn Hotel.

The scholarship consists of conference registration (including lunch), a one-year membership to SOA, and a $100 travel stipend.  Awardees are required to submit a photograph and write about their experience for publication in the Ohio Archivist newsletter.

Applications should include the following information:

*       Applicant’s name, mailing address, and e-mail address.

*       Students should list their school’s name and academic program;

*       New professionals should list their employer and number of years working within the field;

*       Description about how the meeting will benefit the applicant professionally;

*       Brief description of the applicant’s scholarship and contribution to archives. This will be taken into consideration along with the applicant’s number of years in the field or academic study;

*       Statement of the applicant’s need for financial support to attend the conference;

*       Applications are due by March 16, 2019.

Applications and inquiries can be sent via e-mail or mail to Devhra BennettJones, Devhra@Lloydlibrary.org Lloyd Library, 917 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.

The awards will be presented at the Society of Ohio Archivists Annual meeting on Friday, May 17, 2019 at the Hilton Akron/Fairlawn Hotel.

Last Updated on July 19, 2020 by janet_carleton

Society of Ohio Archivists Scholarship Award Applications

The Society of Ohio Archivists (SOA) is pleased to announce four scholarships available to students (2 awards), and new archival professionals (2 awards) with three years or less experience in the workplace to attend their annual spring meeting on Friday, May 17, 2019 at the Hilton Akron/Fairlawn Hotel.

The scholarship consists of conference registration (including lunch), a one-year membership to SOA, and a $100 travel stipend.  Awardees are required to submit a photograph and write about their experience for publication in the Ohio Archivist newsletter.

Applications should include the following information:

*       Applicant’s name, mailing address, and e-mail address.

*       Students should list their school’s name and academic program;

*       New professionals should list their employer and number of years working within the field;

*       Description about how the meeting will benefit the applicant professionally;

*       Brief description of the applicant’s scholarship and contribution to archives. This will be taken into consideration along with the applicant’s number of years in the field or academic study;

*       Statement of the applicant’s need for financial support to attend the conference;

*       Applications are due by February 25, 2019.

Applications and inquiries can be sent via e-mail or mail to Devhra BennettJones, Devhra@Lloydlibrary.org Lloyd Library, 917 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.

The awards will be presented at the Society of Ohio Archivists Annual meeting on Friday, May 17, 2019 at the Hilton Akron/Fairlawn Hotel.

Last Updated on July 22, 2020 by janet_carleton

2019 SOA Preconference Workshop Survey, Part 2

Reminder: Survey is due January 23, 2019! Thank you to those who have already filled it out!

First of all, the Society of Ohio Archivists’ 2019 Educational Programming Committee would like to thank everyone who filled out part 1 of the preconference workshop survey that was sent out in December. The clear winner was a workshop on born-digital records.

Just to refresh your memory: 2017 saw the return of the SOA preconference workshop with a collaboration with the Ohio Preservation Council, hosted by the Ohio History Connection. Simple Supports for Dynamic Exhibits, led by Miriam Nelson & Catarina Figueirinhas, was a 2-hour hands-on workshop, full at 20 attendees. In 2018, Finding Aids for the Future, led by Morag Boyd and Cate Putirskis, presented in partnership with ALAO SCAig and hosted by Ohio History Connection, was full at 40 attendees.

This year, our preconference workshop will be held on Thursday, May 16, 2019, in Akron, Ohio. The survey included in this email, will help the SOA Educational Programming Committee determine logistical details based on the topic of born-digital records.

Part 2 of the survey is due January 23, 2019. Please fill out the survey HERE: https://goo.gl/forms/kJLPVPvPEk6pCgIL2

Thanks in advance for your help!

Society of Ohio Archivists’ Educational Programming Committee

Last Updated on January 16, 2019 by