Ohio Archives Month 2019 Poster
This year’s theme for the Ohio Archives Month poster was Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Ohio’s Role in Space Exploration, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20, 1969. We invited repositories and institutions across Ohio to submit photographs, documents, or other graphical materials that demonstrated a connection to the theme to be featured on the SOA Archives Month poster. (Download the poster.)
The SOA Advocacy and Outreach Committee received submissions from fifteen institutions, for a total of 38 photographs and documents! The submissions were compiled, and eleven images were selected as winners through online voting.
The winning images provided great material for the designers, however not all of the winners could be featured on the poster. As such, the Committee would like to highlight each winning image and institution.
Scroll down to see the winning images from Bowling Green State University Music Library and Bill Schurk Sound Archives; National Museum of the United States Air Force; Ohio State University, Ohio Congressional Archives; Shelby County Historical Society; University of Akron, University Libraries, Archival Services; and Wright State University Libraries Special Collections and Archives.
We also would like to thank the following institutions for their submissions and participation: Clark County Heritage Center; Case Western Reserve University; Mound Discovery Center; Ohio History Connection; Sandusky Library,; Smuckers Corporate Archives; University of Cincinnati; University of Dayton; and Youngstown Historical Center of Industry and Labor Archives/Library.
We hope everyone takes the opportunity this Archives Month to promote their institution and collections, as well as their fellow Ohio repositories (check them out in this year’s Ohio Archives Passport)! Be sure to check the SOA website and Twitter account regularly for updates on the various Archives Month activities throughout the state!
2019 Winning Images

Apollo 11: We have landed on the moon “The sounds of the 1969 NASA lunar expedition with Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin Aldrin.” Capitol Records, 1969. Bowling Green State University Music Library and Bill Schurk Sound Archives
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Last Updated on October 12, 2019 by janet_carleton