Call for Nominations: President-Elect/Vice President & Council Member

Have you been thinking about getting involved with SOA leadership? If your answer is yes, this is your opportunity!

The SOA Nominating Committee would like to announce a call for nominations for one open SOA Council position and the SOA President-Elect/Vice President.

Self-nominations are welcomed and encouraged, as are peer nominations. All positions are for two-year terms of office and will begin at the Spring Meeting in May.

Candidates must be current SOA members in good standing and be willing and able to attend regular Council meetings and business activities (both in-person and virtually).

Due to COVID-19, the election this year will be held virtually. Candidates will provide a bio and write a response to a question to be printed in the Ohio Archivist prior to the election.

More details about responsibilities and terms can be located in the SOA bylaws. See also the current leadership roster.

I would also be happy to answer any questions about the positions. Please respond to me with any nominations by Friday, January 08, 2021.

Thank you,
SOA Nominating Committee Chair Robin Heise.

Last Updated on December 31, 2020 by janet_carleton

Call for the next Editor-in-Chief of The Ohio Archivist

The SOA’s biannual publication, The Ohio Archivist, is currently seeking a new Editor-in-Chief. The incoming editor will work cooperatively with current editor, Kayla Harris, on the Spring 2021 issue and will take over exclusively for the Fall 2021 publication.

The Editor-in-Chief position is a three-year, ex-officio non-voting Council position that requires attendance at Council meetings. The position requires approximately 8-10 hours of work (2X per year). This managing editor position entails the coordination and management of all the content for our statewide publication, including overseeing work submitted by Associate Editors for columns and features. Again this is a content editorship; it involves very little design or formatting work on the newsletter as that work is completed by the Ohio History Connection. The position is a great opportunity for those who are interested in editorial work, and has been used as a springboard for editing national publications.

If you are interested in applying, please send a CV and a writing sample to current Editor-in-Chief, Kayla Harris, [email protected] by December 1, 2020. SOA Council will review the applications and make a decision by January 2021.

Please feel free to call or email Kayla with any questions. We hope you will consider this great opportunity to become involved in your professional organization.

Kayla Harris, Editor-in-Chief, The Ohio Archivist

Last Updated on November 19, 2020 by janet_carleton

Members Named to SOA Social Justice and Black Lives Matter Task Force

The Society of Ohio Archivists Council is pleased to announce that Jessica Heys (Kettering Foundation), has been appointed Chair of SOA’s new Social Justice and Black Lives Matter Task Force.

Joining Jessica on the Task Force as members are Devhra BennettJones, Madeleine Fix (Nationwide Insurance), Kristen Newby (Ohio History Connection), Penelope Shumaker (State Library of Ohio), and Nicole Sutton (Columbus Metro Library). Sherri Goudy (Nerd Girl History Adventure), SOA President-Elect, will serve as Council Liaison.

The Task Force will be meeting (virtually) for the first time in the near future to discuss its charge and map out a way to recruit non-SOA members.

Contact: To reach out to the Task Force, please contact Chair Jessica Heys or Council Liaison Sherri Goudy. Suggestions or ideas on how to fulfill the Task Force’s mission are welcome.

For more information about the Social Justice and Black Lives Matter Task Force, visit its page here.

Last Updated on April 15, 2021 by janet_carleton

SOA Council Meeting Minutes for October 21, 2020

SOA Council Minutes thumbnailThe Society of Ohio Archivists most recent leadership meeting minutes, from October 21, 2020, can be found on the Council Meeting Minutes page.

Interested in SOA over time? Also on that page are minutes dating back to 1997. In addition to documenting actions from the leadership meeting, minutes include reports from the treasurer as well as from committees and task forces.

Last Updated on November 1, 2020 by janet_carleton

Ohio Archives Month 2020 Poster: Ohio Women and the Fight for the Right to Vote

Ohio Archives Month Poster 2020This year’s theme for the Ohio Archives Month poster was Ohio Women and the Fight for the Right to Vote, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which expanded the women’s suffrage across the country. We invited repositories and institutions across the state to submit their photographs, documents, or other graphical materials that exhibit a connection to this year’s theme. (Download the poster as 3MB PDF.)

The SOA Advocacy and Outreach Committee received submissions on the theme from 7 institutions, for a total of 13 photographs and documents! The submissions were compiled, and 3 images were selected by the designer for the final poster. Due to COVID-19 and many archivists not having access to their collections, we had considerable fewer submissions this year, but we hope you can submit your images next year.

See our 2020 poster page for more about the images featured on the poster from the Community Archives of Patricia Smith Griffin, and the Ohio History Connection, as well as the others submitted, and the full text of the poster.

2020 Archives Month Poster Submissions Mosaic (not on poster)

2020 Archives Month Poster submissions not included on the poster.

Thank you to the following institutions for their participation: Clark County Historical Society; Case Western Reserve University; Community Archives of Patricia Smith Griffin; Logan County History Center; Oberlin College Archives; Ohio History Connection; and The Ohio State University Rare Books and Manuscripts Library.

We hope everyone takes the opportunity this Archives Month to promote their institution and collections. We look forward to hearing from you over the month. Be sure to check the SOA website and Twitter account regularly for updates on the various Archives Month activities throughout the state!

Questions? Contact the Advocacy and Outreach Committee Cochairs Natalie Fritz and Jenifer Baker.

Last Updated on October 19, 2020 by janet_carleton

Ohio Archivist Fall 2020 Issue Available

Ohio Archivist Fall 2020 Issue coverThe fall 2020 issue of the Ohio Archivist, SOA’s biennial publication, is now available to download as a PDF or view in ISSUU!

In this issue you will find a recap of our first online Annual Meeting, information about the joint fall meeting, the SOA Council Statement on Racial Inequality and Black Lives Matter, a preview of the Archives Month poster, a new Digital Discussions article, and much more!

– SOA Council Statement on Racial Inequality and Black Lives Matter
– President’s Message
– SOA News: 2020 Joint Fall Meeting: History is Happening Now!; Archives Month; Annual Meeting Recap; Ohio History Day Awards; Merit Awards and New Professional Scholarship Awards
– “A Closer Look at the Ohio State University Libraries’ Suffrage Scrapbooks: ‘Vote for Woman Suffrage'” by Jolie Braun
– “The Great Disturbance: The First to Leave and the Last to Return” by Christine Engels
– Digital Discussions: DEAI and YOu(r Digital Collections) by Jenni Salamon
– News & Notes

See all past Ohio Archivist issues on that publication’s page.

Last Updated on April 15, 2021 by janet_carleton

Extended Through 9/30! Register for SOA/OLHA Fall Meeting!

Melanie Adams portrait

Melanie Adams, Keynote speaker for OLHA/SOA 2020

Join the Society of Ohio Archivists and the Ohio Local History Association for our virtual joint fall meeting: History is Happening Now, October 1-3, 2020.

This is OLHA’s annual meeting with the addition of a SOA track on Thursday & Friday, serving as SOA’s fall conference. Come for SOA’s sessions or come for the entire conference!

This year, registration covers the full conference including the keynote, “The Urgency of Now: Taking Risks to Serve Your Community” with Melanie Adams, Anacostia Community Museum, Smithsonian Institution.

Register online through September 25 extended through Wednesday September 30!  or download a form to print and mail.
Fees: Member (SOA/OLHA) $40; Nonmember $50; Student/Unemployed/Furloughed $20.

All sessions will be virtual and held using the Zoom meeting and webinar platform. See the Annual Meeting page for schedule and more!

Questions? Contact the Educational Programming Committee Cochairs Rachael Bussert and William Modrow.

Last Updated on December 6, 2022 by janet_carleton

Call for Task Force Members – Social Justice and Black Lives Matter

To help SOA and SOA Council act upon the principles in SOA’s “Statement on Racial Inequality and Black Lives Matter,” Council has approved the creation of a Task Force on Social Justice and Black Lives Matter.

SOA Council is now seeking volunteers to fill the Task Force and is currently looking for both a chair and general members.

If you would like to join the Task Force—either as a chair or member—please fill out the linked Google Form by October 1.

For more information about the Task Force, Chair position, and membership responsibilities, see the SJBLM Task Force page.

Questions? Contact SOA President Adam Wanter.

Last Updated on April 15, 2021 by janet_carleton

Register Now: SOA/OLHA 2020 Joint Meeting (Virtual)

Join the Society of Ohio Archivists and the Ohio Local History Association for our joint fall meeting: History is Happening Now, October 1-3, 2020.

Melanie Adams portrait

Melanie Adams, Keynote speaker for OLHA/SOA 2020

This is OLHA’s annual meeting with the addition of a SOA track on Thursday & Friday, serving as SOA’s fall conference. Come for SOA’s sessions or come for the entire conference! This year, registration covers the full conference including the keynote, “The Urgency of Now: Taking Risks to Serve Your Community” with Melanie Adams, Anacostia Community Museum, Smithsonian Institution.

Register online through September 25 or download a form to print and mail. Fees: Member (SOA/OLHA) $40; Nonmember $50; Student/Unemployed/Furloughed $20.

All sessions will be virtual and held using the Zoom meeting and webinar platform. See the Annual Meeting page for schedule and more!

Questions? Contact the Committee Cochairs Rachael Bussert and William Modrow.

Last Updated on December 6, 2022 by janet_carleton

Virtual Meet-Up for Ohio Archivists, Aug 13, 2020

The SOA Advocacy and Outreach Committee is hosting a virtual informal Meet-Up on Thursday, August 13 at 3pm via Zoom. This is an opportunity for Ohio archivists to get together to chat about the COVID-19 survey archives results, reopening, policies and procedures, and more!

Join us to chat with fellow archivists!

Meeting Info:
Topic: Society of Ohio Archivists Virtual “Meet Up”
Time: Aug 13, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register here for the for Zoom Meeting, registration open through meeting time.

We hope you can join!

Questions? Contact the Advocacy and Outreach Committee Cochairs Natalie Fritz and Jenifer Baker.

Last Updated on September 23, 2020 by janet_carleton