Category Archives: News

SOA Merit Award: Call for Nominations

The Society of Ohio Archivists Merit Award is given to individuals or organizations that have by excellence in deeds, actions, or initiatives improved the state of archives in Ohio over the past year.

The 2020 awards will be announced at the annual spring meeting on Friday, May 15, 2020, at the Columbus Metropolitan Library Main Library in Columbus, Ohio. Nominations are due by March 13, 2020. Continue reading

Ohio Archives Passport 2019 is here!

The purpose of this passport (PDF) is to let people know about the wonderful archival resources all around Ohio, give them a chance to visit, explore, and learn more and participate in activities that help them to connect with their past, local history, and their community.

In 2017 SOA began compiling information about Ohio archival repositories to put together a statewide passport broken down by region. Each year we collected updates and new entries and the 2019 passport included information for more than 90 sites across the state!

Questions? Contact Natalie Fritz, cochair Advocacy & Outreach Committee

Fall 2019 Ohio Archivist is out!

Ohio Archivist 2019 Fall cover The Fall 2019 issue of the Ohio Archivist is now available on the website at

Please note that the newsletter was sent to current members via email on August 28. If you did not receive that email, check with SOA Liaison Betsy Hedler at regarding your membership status.

In this issue you will find a recap of the SOA Spring Conference, information about the upcoming Fall Meeting, a new Digital Discussions article, and much more!

Ohio Archives Passport info for 2019-2020: send us your updates!

In 2017 SOA began compiling information about Ohio archival repositories to put together a statewide “passport” broken down by region. Last year we collected updates and new entries and the 2018 passport included information for more than 80 sites across the state!

The ultimate goal is to have an up-to-date resource for researchers and fellow archivists that can provide information about available resources, promote, and raise awareness about Ohio archives in general. I am sharing the link to the current 2018-2019 Ohio Archives Passport for people to review their information from last year, submit edits and changes, and submit NEW previously unlisted information on repositories as needed:


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It’s not too late! Register onsite for SOA Annual Meeting in Akron

Want to attend SOA in Akron but forgot to preregister? No worries! You can still register onsite on Friday, May 17th!

See and follow the hashtag #soaam19

2019 Annual Meeting: Invention and Innovation

The Friday Conference will be held at the Hilton Akron/Fairlawn Hotel, 3180 W. Market St, Akron.

Onsite meeting registration:

  •  $60 SOA members; $80 nonmembers; $40 students. Due to catering restrictions, we cannot guarantee lunch for onsite registrants.
  • No onsite Workshop or Mixer registration.

Note: Full membership is just $15, so that can save you $, and we’d love to have you! Join here:

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Call to Membership: SOA Constitution and Bylaws Revisions

Council has been working very hard updating the SOA Strategic Plan over the last year. One piece of that work has been amending our Constitution and Bylaws. Linked here is the marked-up draft of proposed amendments to the SOA Constitution and Bylaws, as proposed by six current SOA members. These amendments will be voted on by members during the upcoming business meeting that will be held on Friday, May 17, 2019 at the SOA Annual Conference in Akron. Members are invited to bring their questions and comments up at the time of the business meeting or send them to me directly at [email protected]. All questions and comments that I receive will be brought up at the business meeting in May.

I hope to see many of you in a few weeks in Akron!

Robin Heise

SOA President (2017-2019)

Records Manager/Archivist

Greene County Records Center and Archives

535 Ledbetter Road, Xenia, OH 45385

Tel: (937) 562-6489

Fax: (937) 562-6485

Email: [email protected]

The Spring 2019 SOA Newsletter is now available!

The Spring 2019 issue of the Ohio Archivist is now available! In this issue you will find all the information about the spring annual meeting. The issue also contains grant and award information; news from SOA members and institutions across the state; 2019’s Archives Month Poster theme; a recap of the joint OLHA/SOA fall meeting; and statements from the the 2019 SOA slate of candidates that will be voted on during the annual meeting.

SOA Archives Month Poster Submission- Deadline Friday, March 29, 2019

This Friday, March 29, 2019 is the deadline to submit photographs, documents and other graphical materials for the SOA Archives Month poster. Please consider submitting material(s) from your institution.

This year’s theme is Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Ohio’s Role in Space Exploration, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20, 1969.  Your submissions should demonstrate a connection to Ohio or the contributions of its residents in the development of the technologies that lead to the Space Race and space exploration. Here’s your chance to highlight interesting, fun, and thought-provoking items from your collections!

If interested in participating, please submit your images (limit of 3 per institution) to Melissa Dalton at [email protected] by Friday, March 29, 2019. SOA members will have the opportunity to vote on their favorite entry between Monday, April 8, 2019 – Friday, April 26, 2019.

We look forward to your participation!