Category Archives: News

Internship: Oberlin College Libraries, Archives and Special Collections Intern

The Oberlin College Libraries welcome applicants for the Archives and Special Collections Intern position.

Institution: Oberlin College Libraries, Archives and Special Collections
Position: Archives and Special Collections Intern
Location: Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio
Details at
Availability: Begins October 3, 2022 and ends on March 31, 2023 with the possibility of an extension for another 6 months. This is a temporary, part-time intern position working up to 20 hrs/week.
Application deadline: Open until filled.
Paid: Yes. $15.00 per hour / No benefits.

SOA’s Internship and Volunteer listings page is a project of the Membership and Awards Committee. Contact committee member Mark Bloom to submit or update an entry.

Ohio Archives News: Ohio History Fund Applications Open

Apply for an Ohio History Fund Grant

Hello Grant Seekers and Ohio History Fund Friends!

Ohio History Fund grant applications are now available at The application deadline is Sept. 27, 2022.

The Ohio History Fund is a competitive matching grants program for history projects. Grants support all kinds of history projects about Ohio and its communities including
• Rehabilitation of National Register-listed historic buildings
• Museum collection storage initiatives,
• Educational programs
• Digitization of archival materials and historic photographs
• Surveys of buildings and archaeological surveys
• Exhibit development, including virtual exhibits
• Oral history projects
• Organizational development, including board training
• And more – contact us to discuss your idea!

See a list of last year’s grant recipients and projects. Continue reading

Ohio Archives News: Historic Marker Dedication July 17

Ohio Archives Month Poster 2020

Ohio Archives Month Poster 2020

The Society of Ohio Archivists is pleased to share this invitation (below) to the historic marker dedication for Ohio suffragist Jewelia Galloway Higgins, who was featured on our 2020 Ohio Archives Month poster “Ohio Women and the fight for the Right to Vote.”!



Patricia Smith Griffin, and The Charity’s Children Project, cordially invite you to attend the Historic Marker Dedication of their ancestor, Ohio suffragist Jewelia Galloway Higgins.

Please see the beautiful 3-page PDF version of the invitation, including photos of Jewelia Galloway Higgins. Continue reading

Ohio Archivist Call for News and Notes

Hello! I am now collecting submissions of “News and Notes” for the fall 2022 issue of the Society of Ohio Archivists’ newsletter Ohio Archivist.

You do not have to be a member of SOA to submit your news – all Ohio archives, records, and special collections news is welcome!

Think you don’t have anything to share? Think again! These are just a few examples, but you get the idea! You can check the News section of previous issues of the Ohio Archivist to get ideas of the kinds of things we are looking for. Continue reading

SOA Membership Forum @ Annual Meeting

Due to a family emergency SOA President Sherri Goudy is unable to attend the SOA Membership Forum at the Annual Meeting on May 20. We are postponing that Forum and will announce in the coming weeks whether it will be rescheduled as a separate event or as a SOA/OLHA Fall Meeting session.

We’ll be replacing the Forum with this replacement annual meeting session: Crucial Conversations–Join your colleagues for moderated small group discussions on efforts towards greater diversity, equity, and inclusion in the archives. Come share what you and/or your institution are doing, bring resources you’ve found valuable, and gain inspiration from efforts that are happening around the state. Moderated by: Amy Rohmiller, Kettering Health Dayton; Penelope Shumaker, State Library of Ohio; and Adam Wanter, MidPointe Library. Continue reading

SOA Council Meeting Minutes for Feb 10, 2022 Available

The Society of Ohio Archivists most recent leadership meeting minutes, from February 10, 2022, can now be found on the Council Meeting Minutes page. The document includes many between-meeting actions.

Interested in SOA over time? Also on that page are minutes dating back to 1997. In addition to documenting actions from the leadership meeting, minutes include reports from the treasurer as well as from committees and task forces.

Questions about minutes? Contact SOA Secretary Jen Johnson.

Ohio Summer Archiving Fellowships from Dance/USA’s Department of Archiving & Preservation

Announcing 2 (of 6 available nationally) of the 2022 Dance/USA Summer Archiving Fellowships will be located in Ohio!

Institution: Dance/USA, Department of Archiving & Preservation
Position: Summer Archiving Fellowships
Locations: Dancing Wheels Company (Cleveland) & Dayton Contemporary Dance Company (Dayton)
Contact: Hallie Chametzky, [email protected]. All details are at
Availability: June-August 2022, approximately 450 hours total.
Application deadline: 11:59pm EST, February 28, 2022 Continue reading

Call for News and Notes for Ohio Archivist, Spring 2022

We are now collecting submissions of News and Notes for the Spring 2022 issue of the Society of Ohio Archivists’ newsletter Ohio Archivist. You do not need to be a member of SOA to submit your news – all Ohio archives, records, and special collections news is welcome!

Think you don’t have anything to share? Think again!

  • Upcoming events: Did you create a great new exhibit or host an interesting conference or program?
  • Institutional news: Did you receive an important collection or write a successful grant? Did you embark on a digitization project or do something cool with social media?
  • Personal news: Did you change jobs? Did you earn a promotion or award? Did you speak at a major conference or have an article published?

Continue reading

SOA Council Statement on HB327 and Legislation that Restricts History Education

January 10, 2022— As Ohio’s professional association of archivists, the Society of Ohio Archivists stand in firm opposition to Ohio HB327. As archivists we collect, preserve, and make accessible historic documents that allow people to study and learn from the past. We vehemently oppose any legislation that infringes upon free speech and interferes with the teaching and research work of not just archivists, but librarians, teachers, professors, and workplace educators.

By prohibiting “divisive concepts” in education, HB327 attempts to inhibit the archival profession and the day-to-day work of archivists. Archives, especially those housed in public colleges and universities, will be unable to collect and share material that fully reflects the experiences of all Ohio’s people. As those charged with collecting and preserving the primary sources upon which historical narratives are based, it is vitally important that our collections document an accurate view of the past including those who have faced discrimination based on their race, sex, gender, ethnicity, or other characteristic. All Ohioans deserve to see themselves reflected in the historical record. The silences in the archives that HB327 creates will change the way current and future generations understand and learn from the past. Continue reading

Ohio Archivists – A*CENSUS II: All Archivists Survey – Your Story. Our Future.

SOA is partnering with SAA and Ithaka S+R for the A*CENSUS II: All Archivists Survey, a major nationwide survey of the archives profession which has just launched. The All Archivists Survey aims to gather information from every archivist and community memory worker in the US on their demographics, educational backgrounds, job placements, and salaries, as well as perspectives on key issues in the field.

A*CENSUS II seeks to understand how the knowledge and skills of archivists and memory workers has evolved since the original A*CENSUS, conducted 17 years ago. By participating in this survey you are helping us understand not only how far we’ve come, but where we need and want to go in the coming years. A*CENSUS II findings will be shared widely with the profession, and the more people who participate, the stronger the data and resulting action will be. Continue reading