SOA Membership Fee Change Passes for 2023

In November, Society of Ohio Archivists members voted overwhelmingly to raise membership dues effective January 1, 2023. A vote by membership to waive the bylaws for this action was required in order for the change to be put in effect for the 2023 membership year.

SOA had not raised dues since 1996 while we worked to keep costs to members as low as possible. Even during the height of the pandemic we committed to offering free and low-cost programs for members and non-members alike, but rising inflation and costs have taken their toll on our finances.

The new dues structure will be:

  • Individual: $30
  • Student and bridge: $15
  • Patron: $50
  • Sponsor: $100

We are also committed to continuing our hardship program for those in need in these times of cuts to professional development funding and other struggles. Anyone who wants to renew their membership or join SOA but is struggling with the cost can contact the Membership & Awards Committee cochairs to access this program.

Thank you again for your continued support of SOA!
SOA Council

Last Updated on December 8, 2022 by janet_carleton