Category Archives: Membership

Join us for Coffee Chat on April 8, 2025

Grab a hot beverage and join us for the next Society of Ohio Archivists (SOA) Coffee Chat on Tuesday, April 8th 2025, from 10-11am on Zoom! These casual gatherings are an opportunity for SOA members to network, share challenges and successes in their work, and bounce ideas off colleagues outside of the Annual Conference.Graphic of coffee cup with the words SOA virtual coffee chat April 8 10-11am around the cup.

This quarter we will be sharing how we’re handling the challenges of recent federal legislation and the tumultuous political climate, from how this has directly affected your work to how you’re supporting your staff. Please register here to join the conversation! We will send a Zoom link to all registrants the day before the meeting. We hope to see you there!

Questions?  Contact Kristen Newby and Jim DaMico, SOA Council Members.

Renew Your SOA Membership for 2025

Dear SOA Member:

The Membership & Awards Committee invites you to renew your SOA membership or join as a new member in 2025. Membership may be renewed online through the secure site provided by the Ohio History Connection’s Ohio History Store or by mailing the PDF invoice with check or money order. SOA continues its hardship membership program for those experiencing uncertainty. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with questions or interest in the program. Continue reading

SOA Membership Renewal 2024

Renew Your Society of Ohio Archivists Membership!

Dear SOA members,

Thank you for supporting the Society of Ohio Archivists during the past year. Your dedication enables SOA to provide community, networking opportunities, professional development, funding, and advocacy efforts for archivists and aspiring archivists. Highlights from the past year include: Continue reading

Renew Your SOA Membership for 2023

Dear SOA members:  Thank you for supporting the Society of Ohio Archivists during the past year. Your dedication enables SOA to provide community and opportunities for archivists and aspiring archivists.

Highlights from the past year include:

The Membership & Awards Committee invites you to renew your SOA membership or join as a new member through the secure site online provided by the Ohio History Connection’s Ohio History Store, or by mailing in the invoice.

Continue reading

SOA Membership Fee Change Passes for 2023

In November, Society of Ohio Archivists members voted overwhelmingly to raise membership dues effective January 1, 2023. A vote by membership to waive the bylaws for this action was required in order for the change to be put in effect for the 2023 membership year.

SOA had not raised dues since 1996 while we worked to keep costs to members as low as possible. Even during the height of the pandemic we committed to offering free and low-cost programs for members and non-members alike, but rising inflation and costs have taken their toll on our finances.

The new dues structure will be:

  • Individual: $30
  • Student and bridge: $15
  • Patron: $50
  • Sponsor: $100

We are also committed to continuing our hardship program for those in need in these times of cuts to professional development funding and other struggles. Anyone who wants to renew their membership or join SOA but is struggling with the cost can contact the Membership & Awards Committee cochairs to access this program.

Thank you again for your continued support of SOA!
SOA Council

Ohio Summer Archiving Fellowships from Dance/USA’s Department of Archiving & Preservation

Announcing 2 (of 6 available nationally) of the 2022 Dance/USA Summer Archiving Fellowships will be located in Ohio!

Institution: Dance/USA, Department of Archiving & Preservation
Position: Summer Archiving Fellowships
Locations: Dancing Wheels Company (Cleveland) & Dayton Contemporary Dance Company (Dayton)
Contact: Hallie Chametzky, [email protected]. All details are at
Availability: June-August 2022, approximately 450 hours total.
Application deadline: 11:59pm EST, February 28, 2022 Continue reading

Keep in Touch: Update Email Address if Necessary

Dear SOA members,

In this unstable time, please let us know if you need to change your preferred email address for SOA Membership communications. If so, please email [email protected] with your current email address and the email address that you’d like it changed to. Also, if you need to change your Listserv email settings, you can do it here.

Soon we will be contacting members regarding online voting for leadership positions, as well as annual meeting and newsletter news, and we don’t want to miss you!

Membership Renewal 2015

The Membership Committee invites you to join us in renewing your membership in the Society of Ohio Archivists for 2015. With your support, SOA is able to exchange information, coordinate activities, and improve professional competence in Ohio’s archives and manuscript repositories.

For your convenience, you are able to renew your membership online. Secure, online renewal with a credit card is available through the Ohio History Store at the Ohio History Connection.

If you would like to renew by check, the 2015 Membership Invoice can be printed from the SOA website and mailed to Treasurer, Emily Gainer.

With your support in 2014, SOA provided:

  • education and networking at the Spring Annual Meeting and the joint SOA/OLHA Fall meeting
  • design and distribution of the Archives Month poster, “Ohio in the Depression”
  • scholarships for two high school students at Ohio History Day
  • access to The Ohio Archivist, the society’s online newsletter
  • recognition to two outstanding organizations through the Merit Award
  • support to the National Coalition for History through an organizational membership

SOA will continue to offer similar activities and opportunities during 2015!

Individual and Student members receive discounted rates at events and voting rights at the annual meeting. Patron and Sponsor levels include Individual membership benefits, plus your extra contribution provides support for special projects. Institutional members receive discounted rates at events for up to two employees.

Dues are annual January 1 through December 31. If you have joined or renewed since July 2014, your membership is current through 2015.

Thank you for your continued support,
SOA Membership Committee
Ron Davidson, chair

New Membership Outreach Tools

SOA pencils for outreach activities

SOA pencils for outreach activities

The SOA Membership Committee has purchased equipment for membership display tables for conferences and other public events. We now have three sets of full-length table-cloths, display banners for the front of the table, and hardware to fasten the banners and other displays. Additionally, we have 1,000 pencils to offer as conference giveaways; the pencils include the SOA url.

These items are presently with Ron Davidson at the Sandusky Library, but sets will soon be distributed to strategic locations throughout the state, including Columbus and other yet to be determined sites. They will be available for members to use wherever SOA is represented. For more information, contact Ron Davidson, Membership Committee chair.

SOA banner for outreach activities

SOA banner for outreach activities