Notification of Intent: OSU Knowledge Bank to Archive Digital Versions of the Ohio Archivist

We are pleased to announce that The Ohio State University Libraries will archive digital versions of the Ohio Archivist through the University’s Knowledge Bank. The Knowledge Bank ( is Ohio State’s institutional repository. Inclusion in the Knowledge Bank means that issues of the Ohio Archivist will be searchable (e.g. by Google) and available via the Internet. Other benefits of this arrangement include long-term preservation in a professionally managed repository, a worldwide audience, a long-term stable URL that can be used in citation, and an increased web presence.

We welcome questions from any author/contributor to the Ohio Archivist regarding inclusion in the Knowledge Bank. Please contact us at [email protected].

Last Updated on April 24, 2018 by

Call for Nominations for Treasurer and Council Positions

The SOA Nominating Committee would like to announce a call for nominations for two open SOA Council positions and the SOA Treasurer position. Self-nominations are welcomed and encouraged, as are peer nominations. All positions are for two year terms of office.

Candidates must be current SOA members in good standing and be willing and able to attend regular council meetings and business activities (both in-person and virtually).

The election will be held during the SOA Annual Business Meeting held during the SOA Spring Meeting on Friday, May 18, 2018. Candidates will be required to write a response to a question to be printed in the Ohio Archivist prior to the election.

More details about responsibilities and terms can be located in the SOA bylaws, located here:

I would also be happy to answer any questions about the positions. Please respond to me with any nominations by Friday, January 5, 2017.

Happy Holidays!
Thank you,

Jillian Ramage
[email protected] 

Last Updated on December 8, 2017 by

Deadline Extended: 50 Years of New Frontiers: SOA at 50 – Society of Ohio Archivists Annual Meeting – Friday, May 18, 2018

Location: Quest Business and Conference Center, 8405 Pulsar Place, Columbus, OH 43240.

Deadline to submit proposals EXTENDED: Friday, January 19, 2018, 5 p.m.

The SOA 2018 Program Committee seeks a broad array of creative proposals, sessions and posters, related to archival work today and into the future. All proposal topics are welcome.

Possible ideas include, but are not limited to:

  • Presentations or discussions of longstanding institutional projects or collections in accordance with the ‘50 year anniversary’ theme
  • Tools for archival discovery, maintenance, and/or marketing
  • Outreach and instruction efforts
  • Student, intern, and volunteer experiences and projects
  • Unique collection development ventures
  • Preservation, description, and access to analog, born-digital, or hybrid collections

Session Formats:

  • Panel Sessions – Two to four speakers present on a common theme.
  • Poster Presentations – Report in which information is summarized using brief written statements and graphic materials, such as photographs, charts, graphs, and/or diagrams mounted on poster board. Presenters will be assigned a specific time at which they must be with their poster to discuss it with attendees.
  • Debate – Moderator announces the topic, and two other people debate. May include more than one topic and additional debaters.
  • Fishbowl – Speakers sit in a circle of chairs on stage — the bowl—and the audience sits in concentric circles around them. The speakers are then asked to talk to each other by answering a series of directed questions. In an open fishbowl, one chair is left empty and audience members can rotate through, adding their take on the topic.
  • Lightning – Presentations may be from 3 to 10 minutes long, with the time allotted depending on the number of presenters. May or may not include slides or images.
  • Mini-Workshop – session teaching a skill or concept through hands-on activity.
  • Pecha Kucha – Each presentation consists of 20 slides or images displayed for 20 seconds each, with comment. Each presentation lasts 6 minutes and 40 seconds.
  • World Café – consists of multiple presentations/conversations going on at separate tables, with attendees given the opportunity to rotate between them every 20 minutes.
  • Other session formats that encourage interaction between presenters and attendees

All sessions will have an assigned member of the Program Committee to provide introductions, and, as needed, to moderate.

Proposal requirements:

  • Session title and intended format
  • 250-word abstract describing the session/poster and how it will be of interest to SOA attendees
  • 150-words session description for use in the printed program
  • Main contact’s information and any other participants
  • A/V or technology requirements
  • Any additional special needs

Proposals will be evaluated on clarity, originality, diversity of content and speaker representation, and completeness of proposal and presenters. We encourage proposals from students*, new professionals*, first time presenters and attendees, as well as individuals from related professions, including those from outside of Ohio.

Please complete the proposal form by Friday, January 19, 2017, 5 p.m. at

*Scholarships are available to students (2 awards), and new archival professionals (2 awards). Read more about it in this link:

More meeting details will appear as they develop at:


Please contact:
Stacey Lavender ([email protected]) or Collette McDonough ([email protected])
Cochairs, Society of Ohio Archivists Educational Programming Committee

Last Updated on February 1, 2018 by

Scholarships Available to Students and New Archival Professionals

The Society of Ohio Archivists (SOA) is pleased to announce four scholarships available to students (2 awards), and new archival professionals (2 awards) with three years or less experience in the workplace to attend their annual spring meeting on Friday, May 18, 2018  at the Quest Conference Center in Columbus, Ohio.

The scholarship consists of conference registration (including lunch), a one year membership to SOA, and a $100 travel stipend.  Awardees are required to submit a photograph and write about their experience for publication in the Ohio Archivist newsletter.

 Applications should include the following information:

  • Applicant’s name, mailing address, and e-mail address.
  • Students should list their school’s name and academic program;
  • New professionals should list their employer and number of years working within the field;
  • Description about how the meeting will benefit the applicant professionally;
  • Brief description of the applicant’s scholarship and contribution to archives. This will be taken into consideration along with the applicant’s number of years in the field or academic study
  • Statement of the applicant’s need for financial support to attend the conference;
  • Applications are due by February 16, 2018.

Applications and inquiries can be sent via e-mail or mail to Devhra BennettJones

[email protected]

Last Updated on December 4, 2017 by

Another October another American Archives Month!

As part of the annual celebration, SOA creates a poster every year to highlight items from collections around the state. This year’s theme was Ohio in World War I, to mark the 100th anniversary of United States involvement in the “War to End All Wars.” Out of the 21 institutions that submitted images for possible inclusion, a poll of SOA members selected six. Only three were included in the final poster, so we wanted to take this opportunity to share all of the winning images and their stories with you. Congratulations to all images chosen and keep an eye out for the call for submissions for next year’s poster!

Congregational Archives, Franciscan Sisters of the Poor, Cincinnati, OH
In 1918, after 46 years in the US, Sister Eutropia was required to register as an Alien Enemy Female. She had to carry her registration card at all times.

Franciscan Sisters Registration Card

Franciscan Sisters Registration Card

National Museum of the United States Air Force, Dayton, OH
Female employees at the Dayton-Wright Airplane Company, Plant 1, Motor Department, July 1, 1918.

Dayton Wright Airplane Company, Plant 1, Motor Department, 1 July 1918.

Defiance College, Defiance, OH
Card advertising the Student Army Training Corps on the Defiance College campus, c. 1918.

Defiance Students Army Training Corps Card

Defiance Students Army Training Corps Card

Ohio Army National Guard, Columbus, OH
Chaplain John F. Herget serving ice cream to Soldiers of the 1st Infantry Regiment during training in Cincinnati, September 1917.

Ohio National Guard members being served ice cream

Chaplain John F. Herget serving ice cream to Ohio National Guard Soldiers

Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH
Photograph of 21,000 soldiers who were stationed at Camp Sherman in Chillicothe, Ohio, during World War I standing in formation to make the shape of President Woodrow Wilson’s head. In the upper right-hand corner can be seen the tents and buildings of the camp.

Soldiers in Formation as Woodrow Wilson's Head

Soldiers stationed at Camp Sherman in standing in formation as the shape of President Woodrow Wilson’s head

Mary E. Gladwin Papers, University of Akron Archival Services of University Libraries, Akron, OH

Akron nurse and University of Akron graduate Mary E. Gladwin (back row, center) poses with nurses at the American Red Cross Field Hospital in Belgrade, Serbia during World War I—the only Red Cross hospital then located in a combat zone—where she helped care for over 9,000 soldiers.

Akron Gladwin with Nurses in Serbia

Akron Gladwin with Nurses in Serbia

With your Archives Month celebrations wrapped up, don’t forget to check out SOA’s Passport to the Past, it’s a great tool to learn more about historical organizations throughout the state.

Last Updated on November 3, 2017 by


October is American Archives Month – an opportunity to raise awareness about the value of archives. Delaware County, Ohio area repositories are sponsoring a month long October Archives Crawl event. Each of the host repositories has its own unique collection full of interesting pieces of local history. Take this opportunity to visit some of these repositories and learn about the information they preserve.

The goal of the Archives Crawl is to visit as many of the participating repositories as possible during the month of October and have each of them stamp your passport. Be sure to visit the Delaware County Records Center website and/or social media page for more details. Crawlers who visit at least five participating repositories could win a gift bag of items donated by each repository.

Passports can be obtained at all of the participating repositories except for the Ohio Fallen Heroes Memorial starting October 1, 2017. Passports will be due November 1, 2017 by 8:30am to determine gift bag winners.

Participating Repositories:
Beeghly Library, Ohio Wesleyan University
Big Walnut Area Historical Society/Myers Inn Museum
Community Library, Sunbury
Cryder Research Library of the Delaware County Historical Society
Delaware County District Library/Main Branch
Delaware County Genealogical Society
Delaware County Records Center
Gallant Farm Preservation Parks of Delaware County
Harlem Township/Harlem Township Heritage Inc.
Morrow County Genealogical Society
Powell Liberty Historical Society
Stratford Ecological Center
The Ohio Fallen Heroes Memorial
Wornstaff Memorial Library

Last Updated on October 28, 2021 by

Ohio Archivist Fall 2017 Issue – Out Now

The Ohio Archivist, Fall 2017 issue is now available. Our three feature pieces this fall deal with a local music history project at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Library and Archives; House Bill 139 and the accessibility of adoption, and lunacy, records; and as part of the SOA’s 50th Anniversary, a “look back” by several past-presidents of the organization.

In addition you will find all of the usual favorites: write-ups on the annual meeting and the upcoming joint OLHA/SOA meeting in October; Dan Noonan’s DiGITaL piece on finding a balance in how much metadata archivists create; the “Newcomers” article in which Tanya Maus, Ph.D, describes two student led projects at the Peace Resource Center at Wilmington College plus all the news and notes from members and member institutions across the state.

Finally, due to the SOA’s brand new logo, the Ohio Archivist underwent a redesign which we know you will like. We thank Kim Koloski our design editor at the Ohio History Connection for her exceptional work and creativity.

Enjoy! And thank you all so much for your continued readership.

The Ohio Archivist Fall 2017 Issue

Last Updated on September 19, 2017 by

“I Found It in the Archives” 2017 Voting Begins Today, August 14th

The 2017 state-wide “I Found it in the Archives” contest features winning essays from two institutions: The Clark County Historical Society and the Ohio History Connection

Anne Strupp and Janet Peterson - Entrants in the "I Found It in the Archives" 2017 Contest

Anne Strupp and Janet Peterson – Entrants in the “I Found It in the Archives” 2017 Contest

Read the 2017 “I Found it in the Archives” state finalist essays on the “I Found it in the Archives” Contest Entries page and vote for your favorite in the side navigation of any page on the SOA website.

If viewing the contest on a mobile device, please scroll down to the bottom of the page to place your vote.

Voting begins August 14, 2017 and ends August 31, 2017.

The “I Found it in the Archives” state winner will be featured during the SOA fall meeting, held in partnership with the Ohio Local History Alliance October 2017 in Dublin, Ohio.

Keep a lookout for more information about SOA’s fall meeting on the SOA website.

Last Updated on September 13, 2017 by

The Ohio History Fund – Application Deadline September 1, 2017

The Ohio History Fund grant application is now available. These grants are offered through the Ohio History Connection and support all kinds of history projects including museum collection storage, educational programs, exhibit development, digitization of archival materials and historic photographs, repairs and rehabilitation for National Register-listed historic buildings, archaeological surveys, oral history, and more. Visit and apply by Sept. 1.

The Ohio History Fund is a part of the Initiative for Ohio History, with the goal of sustaining and expanding funding and reaching new audiences with the program. Help us reach those audiences! The History Fund exemplifies the core value of working together. We can also extend the Ohio History Connection’s efforts help others be good stewards of and share authentic history and tell relevant stories. The History Fund is another resource we can use to be ever more inclusive. The Ohio History Fund is sustainable thanks to the tax check-off and sales of Ohio History “mastodon” license plates. And it’s great to see so many “mastodon cars” (my term) in our staff parking lot!
Ohio History Fund 2017 Recipients

Those of you who have any other association with the Ohio History Fund will likely received another email in the near future announcing the availability of the grant application. Sorry for cross-postings.

If you have any questions, please contact me – and thanks!

Andy Verhoff | Ohio History Fund Grant Coordinator | Local History Services
Ohio History Connection | 800 E. 17th Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43211
p. 614.297.2341 | f. 614.297.2567 | [email protected]

Last Updated on June 24, 2022 by janet_carleton