SOA is partnering with SAA and Ithaka S+R for the A*CENSUS II: All Archivists Survey, a major nationwide survey of the archives profession which has just launched. The All Archivists Survey aims to gather information from every archivist and community memory worker in the US on their demographics, educational backgrounds, job placements, and salaries, as well as perspectives on key issues in the field.
A*CENSUS II seeks to understand how the knowledge and skills of archivists and memory workers has evolved since the original A*CENSUS, conducted 17 years ago. By participating in this survey you are helping us understand not only how far we’ve come, but where we need and want to go in the coming years. A*CENSUS II findings will be shared widely with the profession, and the more people who participate, the stronger the data and resulting action will be. Continue reading
Last Updated on December 8, 2021 by janet_carleton