Category Archives: News

Women’s History Month – Celebrating Catholic Sisters

The Sisters of the Precious Blood in Dayton, Ohio, have always been women on a mission. Like other congregations of women religious in the United States, the Sisters of the Precious Blood have been integral members of the societies where they lived, worked, and prayed. They were often some of the first university-educated women in the country. They educated immigrants in the 1840s in the wilds of Northern Ohio – and they were immigrants themselves, coming mainly from Germany and Switzerland, leaving their homes for parts unknown, not knowing if they would ever see their families again. They were and continue to be teachers and educators, nurses and doctors, chaplains, housekeepers, weavers, painters, poets, advocates for justice and ecology, administrators, and so much more. 

Because there are too many photos and stories to include in one blog post, I grouped the Sisters’ ministries into four photos from their archives. Each photo represents an aspect of the Sisters’ ministry over time: prayer, teaching, healthcare, and domestic arts.

 In this photo, Sister Rosemary Laux prays in the Salem Heights Chapel in Dayton, Ohio, in 1994.

sister reading
The adoration of the Blessed Sacrament was the catalyst for Mother Maria Anna Brunner to begin the Congregation of the Sisters of the Precious Blood, and prayer has been central to their lives. Throughout their history, the Sisters have continued this tradition with nocturnal and perpetual adoration, writing prayer services, working as pastoral ministers and sacristans, and praying for thousands of requests from people worldwide.

The Sisters came to the United States in 1844 to minister to German immigrants. One of the first ways they did this was through teaching. The Sisters have taught in hundreds of elementary schools, high schools, colleges, and universities across the United States, Guatemala, and Chile. They also focused on their education by attending college and university courses, receiving Master’s degrees and Ph.D.’s, and keeping up with continuing education courses.

In this photo, Sister Mary Bernice Darby uses a map to teach her class at Bishop Leibold West, Miamisburg, Ohio, in 1974.

classroom image pointing to map of USA

Since the beginning of the Congregation, the Sisters have cared for each other when they are ill. The Sisters answered the for trained healthcare professionals as the need increased. Throughout their history, they trained to become nurses, doctors, hospital chaplains, and volunteers in hospitals, elder care facilities, and infirmaries.  

In this photo, Sister Mildred Westendorf (Mary Venard) cares for a patient at Lourdes Hall, Dayton, Ohio, in the 1950s. 

sister with patient

The early Ohio pioneer Sisters established a tradition of working in domestic fields to sustain their convents. They cooked, worked in the fields, washed clothing, made clothing and shoes, and kept their convents clean. As the years went by, the Sisters began to work in schools, seminaries, elder care facilities, and clergy residences as housekeepers, cooks, dieticians, and more. They also received formal training through workshops and classes.

In this photo, Sister Mary Joanella Whaley slices meat in the kitchen at St. Gregory Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio, in the 1960s.

sister in kitchen


For more information on the Sisters’ past ministries and current efforts and to read their newsletter, visit their website, Facebook page, Instagram profile, or YouTube channel.

By Sarah Aisenbrey, Archivist, Sisters of the Precious Blood, Dayton, Ohio

Join us for Coffee Chat on April 8, 2025

Grab a hot beverage and join us for the next Society of Ohio Archivists (SOA) Coffee Chat on Tuesday, April 8th 2025, from 10-11am on Zoom! These casual gatherings are an opportunity for SOA members to network, share challenges and successes in their work, and bounce ideas off colleagues outside of the Annual Conference.Graphic of coffee cup with the words SOA virtual coffee chat April 8 10-11am around the cup.

This quarter we will be sharing how we’re handling the challenges of recent federal legislation and the tumultuous political climate, from how this has directly affected your work to how you’re supporting your staff. Please register here to join the conversation! We will send a Zoom link to all registrants the day before the meeting. We hope to see you there!

Questions?  Contact Kristen Newby and Jim DaMico, SOA Council Members.

Join us for Coffee Chat on Jan 15, 2025

Grab a hot beverage and join us for the first Society of Ohio Archivists (SOA) Coffee Chat on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, from 10-11am on Zoom! These casual gatherings are an opportunity for SOA members to network, share challenges and successes in their work, and bounce ideas off colleagues outside of the Annual Conference.

This first Coffee Chat will be a conversation about what we want these gatherings to look like (round robin, topical discussions, etc.) and how often they take place. This is your chance to shape a benefit of SOA membership! We hope to see you there. Please register to join the conversation. If you are unable to attend but would like to help shape what these meetings look like, please complete the survey.

Questions?  Contact Kristen Newby and Jim DaMico, SOA Council Members.

Ohio Archivist Fall 2024 Issue Available

The fall 2024 issue of Ohio Archivist, SOA’s biannual publication, is now available to download as a PDF! An image of the first page of the Ohio Archivist newsletter.

In this issue you will find information about the Fall SOA/OLHA Annual Meeting; a recap of the Spring/Summer Annual Conference; a new Feature article; and Climate Control, DEI, and Digital Discussions articles; and more!

– Looking Back, Looking Forward: Annual Meeting 2024 Recap
– President’s Message
– Ohio History Day, Scholarship, & Merit Awards
– Feature:  Feeling Our Feelings by Sarah Aisenbrey
– OLHA/SOA Fall Meeting information
– Climate Control: Linear Growth in Archives by Eira Tansey
– DEIA: The State of Research by Michelle Ganz
– Digital Discussions: The Edward B. Taylor Collection by Karen D. Brame and Rachel Bussert
– News & Notes
– Editor’s Note

See all past Ohio Archivist issues on the publication’s page.

Questions? Contact Ohio Archivist Editor-in-Chief Jessica Heys.

National History Day at 50: A Salute

by George Bain and Connie Conner, Advocacy and Outreach Committee members.

The National History Day program was born in 1974, 50 years ago this year, as a modest venture in the area of Cleveland, Ohio under the direction of Case Western Reserve University History Professor David Van Tassel. But it was a dream that began to expand across the state and then over several years into other states and then became national in scope. Also known widely by its initials as well, NHD is an admirable educational entity that deserves recognition for stimulating the study of history. But why, as it celebrates its Golden Anniversary, is it of direct importance to the archival community? Continue reading

Ohio Archivist News & Notes Spring 2024

Ohio Archivist Call for News and Notes

It’s that time again – the Ohio Archivist editor is collecting submissions of News and Notes for the Spring 2024 issue of the Society of Ohio Archivists’ newsletter. You do not have to be a member of SOA to submit your news – all Ohio archives, records, and special collections news is welcome! Continue reading

SOA Strategic Plan 2023-2026 Now Available

Message from the Strategic Planning Committee Chair

I’m pleased to announce that SOA has completed our strategic planning process, and the 2023-2026 strategic plan is now available on the website. This plan has strategies for success across the organization to help SOA meet its vision to be the primary provider of professional development for archivists and historical records professionals in Ohio. You can follow our progress towards these goals by checking the task tracker on the site, which will be updated regularly.

I’d like to thank all the members of SOA’s leadership in 2022-23 and 2023-24 for their work in creating the plan and helping refine the goals and tasks. We would not have this plan without their active participation. I’d especially like to thank the members of the strategic planning committee over the past 18 months: Melissa Dalton, Sherri Goudy, Collette McDonough, and Nick Pavlik for their work every step of the way. Finally, thanks to Rob Colby for helping us start the process and Jennifer Souers Chevraux for helping us bring this plan to fruition.

I hope you take the time to read the plan and see what SOA hopes to achieve for our profession!

Amy Rohmiller
Past-President & Chair, Strategic Planning Committee

SOA Membership Fee Change Passes for 2023

In November, Society of Ohio Archivists members voted overwhelmingly to raise membership dues effective January 1, 2023. A vote by membership to waive the bylaws for this action was required in order for the change to be put in effect for the 2023 membership year.

SOA had not raised dues since 1996 while we worked to keep costs to members as low as possible. Even during the height of the pandemic we committed to offering free and low-cost programs for members and non-members alike, but rising inflation and costs have taken their toll on our finances.

The new dues structure will be:

  • Individual: $30
  • Student and bridge: $15
  • Patron: $50
  • Sponsor: $100

We are also committed to continuing our hardship program for those in need in these times of cuts to professional development funding and other struggles. Anyone who wants to renew their membership or join SOA but is struggling with the cost can contact the Membership & Awards Committee cochairs to access this program.

Thank you again for your continued support of SOA!
SOA Council