Category Archives: Contests

Save The Date!

Save the Date for the Ohio Archives Month Poster Unveiling!

creative commons stock photo of post it note saying Save the Date!

(cc) save the date by lisa.scheer.stbv

On Thursday, September 7 at 3pm, the Advocacy and Outreach Committee will also host an unveiling event online (through Zoom). Mark your calendars and please join us!

 The top 10 photographs selected by you (SOA membership) can be viewed on the SOA blog: Congrats to The University of Akron Archives and Special Collections for having the top images and thanks to everyone that submitted. We could not create the poster without your help.

 These 10 photographs are sent to the designer for consideration in the final poster design. Posters will be mailed to SOA members by the end of September.

Thank you,

Society of Ohio Archivists Advocacy and Outreach Committee

Questions? Contact the committee at

Cast Your Vote: 2023 Ohio Archives Month Poster Images

Help select the images to be used for the 2023 Ohio Archives Month Poster!

This year for the annual Society of Ohio Archivists’ October Archives Month poster we asked for archival images having to do with the theme of Transportation in Ohio.

Transportation of all varieties including bicycles, trains, cars, airplanes, blimps, and even spaceships were sent in by many SOA members and non-SOA members. Ohio’s history goes hand-in-hand with transportation and we hope you find these images to be interesting. We are happy that we had submissions from all over the state and we hope you enjoy seeing them.

We had great submissions this year from more than 26 Ohio institutions plus one family archivist!  The top 10 images to receive the most votes will be sent on to the designer for consideration in the final poster design.

Here’s how to vote:

  • View images and submit your votes in our Google Form!
  • Vote for up to 10 images.
  • Please only vote once.
  • Voting runs April 14-May 14, 2023.
  • (View past posters here)

Thank you,
Collette McDonough
Chair, Society of Ohio Archivists Advocacy and Outreach Committee

Questions? Email

Call for Image Submissions: 2023 Ohio Archives Month Poster

This year for the annual Society of Ohio Archivists’ October Ohio Archives Month poster we are looking for archival image submissions having to do with transportation in Ohio.

Transportation has been important to Ohio since our founding. So, if your institution has images that you think are interesting and that have an interesting back story, please send them to us for a chance to be on the poster this year.

We are of course expecting the photos of planes, trains, and automobiles, but we hope you also send in all sorts of modes of transit such as canal boats, electric street cars, motorcycles, sternwheelers, horses pulling carts, or blimps. You might also want to submit images of a local car factory, or patent drawing for an invention that involves transportation. We hope to get submissions from all over the state! Continue reading

Watch Ohio Archives Month 2022 Poster Reveal

The Society of Ohio Archivists Advocacy and Outreach Committee held an unveiling event for the Ohio Archives Month poster on Thursday, September 8, 2022, 3-4pm on Zoom.

At the unveiling, we heard more about the top ten winning photos (as voted by you!), played some fun Ohio health history trivia, and finally, saw the reveal of this year’s beautiful poster.

The theme of this year’s poster is “Ohio’s Healthcare Workers: The True Heart of It All,” and we received so many amazing submissions! See more about the submissions and the voting process in “2022 Ohio Archives Month Poster Top 10 Voting Results.”

Watch the Zoom unveiling event on the SOA YouTube channel at (or in the embed below).

Download the poster as a PDF from the website. And see past posters. Physical posters are in the mail (I got mine last week).

Stand by for more Archive Month in Ohio activities!


Questions? Contact A&O Committee Chair Collette McDonough.

Archives Month 2022 Poster Reveal Event – Sept 8

The Society of Ohio Archivists Advocacy and Outreach Committee is pleased to announce open registration and the agenda for the unveiling of the Ohio Archives Month poster on Thursday, September 8, 2022, 3-4pm on Zoom. (Watch the recording on YouTube!)

At the unveiling we’ll have the top ten photo winners speaking about their winning images, some fun trivia, and finally, the reveal of this year’s beautiful poster.

The theme of this year’s poster is “Ohio’s Healthcare Workers: The True Heart of It All,” and we received so many amazing submissions! See more about the submissions and the voting process in “2022 Ohio Archives Month Poster Top 10 Voting Results.”

Register by September 6. Continue reading

2022 Ohio Archives Month Poster “Top 10” Voting Results

The 2022 theme for the Ohio Archives Month poster is “Ohio’s Healthcare Workers: The True Heart of It All.”

For the past two years, health-care professionals throughout the country have helped us through a pandemic, so health care issues are on the minds of many people. This is our way of recognizing their work. The SOA Advocacy and Outreach Committee invited repositories and institutions across the state to submit their photographs, documents, or other graphical materials that highlight Ohio’s healthcare related materials.

We received submissions on the theme from 23 institutions, for a total of 52 photographs and documents! The submissions were compiled, and 10 images were selected as winners through online voting by you. Thank you to everyone who submitted images. We could never make this poster without your great images!

Below are the images that were chosen by you as the top ten. Each one of these has a chance to appear on the final edit of the poster. Stay tuned for this year’s poster as we get closer to October and Archives Month!

Thank you to the following institutions for your submissions: Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Archives of the Chancery; Bexley Public Library; Bowling Green State University Center for Archival Collections; Case Western Reserve University; Cincinnati Children’s; Clark County Historical Society; Columbus Metropolitan Library; Defiance College; Franciscan Sisters of the Poor Congregational Archives; Greene County Archives; Hudson Library & Historical Society; Huron County Community Library; Logan County Historical Society; Mahoning Valley Historical Society; Ohio History Connection; The Ohio State University, Health Sciences Library Medical Heritage Center; Ohio University Libraries, Mahn Center for Archives and Special Collections; Sandusky Library Archives Research Center; University of Akron; University of Cincinnati, Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of Health Professions; University of Dayton, U.S. Catholic Special Collection; Western Reserve Historical Society, African American Archives; Youngstown State University, Melnick Medical Museum and University Archives.

“Top 10” Images

As voted on by you, selected from the 52 submitted. In no particular order….

Marilyn Hughes Gaston, MD, founder of the Cincinnati Children’s Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center, 1986

Marilyn Hughes Gaston, MD, founder of the Cincinnati Children’s Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center, 1986. Cincinnati Children’s Department of Marketing and Communications.

Continue reading

Cast Your Vote: Ohio Archives Month Poster Images

Help select the images used for the 2022 Ohio Archives Month Poster!

This year for the annual Society of Ohio Archivists’ October Archives Month poster we asked for archival images having to do with the theme of Healthcare in Ohio. For the past two years, healthcare professionals throughout the country have helped us through a pandemic, so this topic is in the forefront for many. Continue reading

Call for Image Submissions: 2022 Ohio Archives Month Poster

This year for the annual Society of Ohio Archivists’ October Archives Month poster we are looking for archival image submissions having to do with Healthcare in Ohio. For the past two years, healthcare professionals throughout the country have helped us through a pandemic, so this topic is in the forefront for many. With this in mind, we decided to highlight archival holdings related to all aspects of healthcare for this year’s poster, which will be distributed for Archives Month in October.

Does your archive have images related to local hospitals, health clinics? Photos of doctors, nurses, other healthcare professionals? Images related to vaccination clinics, health crises, medical tools, or other healthcare related events or activities? All of these are examples for wonderful submissions! Continue reading

2021 Winners for SOA History Day Award

The Society of Ohio Archivists Membership and Awards Committee is pleased to announce the 2021 SOA History Day Awards. The awardees were selected from submissions for the award, from among those advancing to the state finals competition which was held virtually on Saturday, April 24.

Junior Award: Angela D’Souza, Birchwood School of Hawken, for her junior individual documentary, “The Cleveland Free-Net: How a Case Western Reserve University Experiment Opened a New World of Communication.” Angela worked with archivists at Case Western Reserve University to obtain primary source documents and resources about the Cleveland Free-Net that she used in her documentary. She also interviewed the widow of the creator of Free-Net, who gave her additional photos and primary sources she used.

Senior Award: Brendan Zbanek, Mary Basilion, Zara Braun, Shaker Heights High School, for their senior group performance, “Tinker v. Des Moines: The Student Led Fight For Free Speech.” Brendan, Mary, and Zara researched the Supreme Court case files, and read books from the 1960s to fully understand the time period. They also conducted an interview with Mary Beth Tinker, the plaintiff in the case, and incorporated her firsthand knowledge of the case into their performance. Continue reading

Vote for 2021 Archives Month Poster Images Now!

SOA’s Advocacy and Outreach Committee is pleased to announce that voting is now open for images for inclusion on the 2021 Ohio Archives Month poster!

We have some fantastic submissions of images of Ohio’s outdoor spaces, with more than 20 organizations participating this year. Now we need your votes!

How To Vote

  • Voting begins Monday, April 19 and ends Friday, May 7, 2021.
  • Vote for your top ten images by selecting/clicking on the image, which will highlight the selection in blue.
  • Once you’ve made your selections, click the arrow at the bottom on the page to record your vote.
  • You can choose up to, but no more than, ten images for your vote to be counted.
  • Please only vote once.
  • Click here to vote

Once voting is complete, the winner(s) will be notified via email. Continue reading