Category Archives: Advocacy and Outreach

Behind-the-Scenes Archives Tour @ Miami University Showcasing Rick Ludwin & Gene Krebs Collections

For Archives Month, Candace Pine, manuscripts librarian, takes us on a 10-minute behind-the-scenes tour of the Walter Havighurst Special Collections and University Archives at Miami University, showcasing two collections in particular: Gene Krebs, former member of the Ohio House of Representatives, and Rick Ludwin, former NBC executive (Primetime, Late Night, and Specials).

See more information about Rick Ludwin and the collection finding aid. Further information about Gene Krebs will be forthcoming on the website soon (collection still being processed).

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Ohio News: Greene County Archives Open House!

The Greene County Archives will host an Open House on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 from 10:00AM to 2:00PM. We hope you will join us!

Invitation to Greene County Archives Open House October 20, 2021As part of the Open House, we will have special exhibits and displays, provide tours of our facility, and have some light refreshments. And, our Open House wouldn’t be complete without the Victrola playing some fun tunes! Continue reading

New Map of Archives Across Ohio

Just in time for Archives Month, the Society of Ohio Archivists Advocacy and Outreach Committee are pleased to announce a new Google Map of Ohio archival institutions! The institutions mapped are drawn from those who submitted their information for the 2019 Ohio Archives Passport.

Questions? Contact the Advocacy and Outreach Committee Cochairs Natalie Fritz and Jenifer Baker.

Archives Month 2021: Make Plans, Share Your Plans (Updated)!

October is American Archives Month and the Advocacy and Outreach Committee would like to take the opportunity to highlight and celebrate archives all throughout Ohio!

Update: We are canceling the behind-the-scenes virtual Zoom tours for this year. With all that is going on in the world, and our late start, we weren’t able to get enough sign-ups. We have high hopes for next year, and plan to make these behind-the-scenes “crawls” a regular part of our Archives Month promotions in future years.

In the meantime, please see the virtual archives tours from our June Annual Meeting. This session, now on SOA’s YouTube, featured Miami University with Rachel Makarowski and Candace Pine; University of Dayton with Amy Rohmiller and Kristina Schulz; and the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions with Gino Pasi.

Ways to celebrate Archives Month

Ohio Archives Month 2021 Poster - jpgHold an Event: If your archive site hasn’t made plans yet to do something to celebrate and acknowledge Archives Month, we encourage you to hold some sort of event (in person or virtual) to let people get to know your archives!

Let us know: If you already have something planned (like an open house, talk, etc.), please share the details so that we can publish a list of Ohio Archives Month activities around the state on the SOA website. You can send event details to Advocacy and Outreach Committee Cochair Natalie Fritz.

Download and display this year’s Archives Month in Ohio poster, Ohio’s Wonderland: Unboxing The Great Outdoors. (Coming soon: a post from A&O on the making of the poster and the great submissions from archives around the state.)

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Virtual Meet-Up: Post-SOA Annual Meeting, Wed June 9

The Society of Ohio Archivists Advocacy and Outreach Committee is hosting a virtual informal “Meet-Up” on Wednesday, June 9, 2001 at 3pm (Eastern), via Zoom.

This will be a fun opportunity for Ohio archivists to get together, following the virtual SOA Annual Meeting on June 7-8. There will be trivia and an opportunity to share and chat with fellow archivists.

Registration is required to receive the meeting link. Please email Connie Conner to register.

We hope you can join!

Questions? Contact the Advocacy and Outreach Committee Cochairs Natalie Fritz and Jenifer Baker.

Vote for 2021 Archives Month Poster Images Now!

SOA’s Advocacy and Outreach Committee is pleased to announce that voting is now open for images for inclusion on the 2021 Ohio Archives Month poster!

We have some fantastic submissions of images of Ohio’s outdoor spaces, with more than 20 organizations participating this year. Now we need your votes!

How To Vote

  • Voting begins Monday, April 19 and ends Friday, May 7, 2021.
  • Vote for your top ten images by selecting/clicking on the image, which will highlight the selection in blue.
  • Once you’ve made your selections, click the arrow at the bottom on the page to record your vote.
  • You can choose up to, but no more than, ten images for your vote to be counted.
  • Please only vote once.
  • Click here to vote

Once voting is complete, the winner(s) will be notified via email. Continue reading

Social Media Engagement Calendar for Ohio Archives Released for 2021

The Society of Ohio Archivists Advocacy and Outreach Committee announces a new project–a 2021 Social Media Engagement Calendar for Ohio Archives.

This Google Doc features lots of social media engagement opportunities. It includes monthly observances and holidays (both national and international), known hashtag prompts, and general information that will hopefully provide you and your archival repositories with new outlets for sharing material, interacting with fellow archives, and interacting with the public.

A&O plans to provide yearly updates. There are probably many things we’ve missed on the list, so please feel free to share with us any other special days, hashtags, and opportunities for engagement throughout the year if you don’t see them listed! We’ll continue to add to the calendar as we learn new things!

Questions or Dates to Add? Contact the Advocacy and Outreach Committee Cochairs Natalie Fritz and Jenifer Baker.

Call for Image Submissions: 2021 Ohio Archives Month Poster

This year for the annual Society of Ohio Archivists’ October Archives Month poster we are looking for archival image submissions having to do with nature, outdoor recreation, and outdoor tourism in Ohio, due by April 2. Scroll down for all the details!

For the past year, many have been cooped up indoors and apart from others more than ever before, but the outdoors have always offered an escape! With this in mind, we decided to highlight Ohio’s outdoor spaces in this year’s Archives Month poster.

Does your archive have great images of local parks? People hiking? Picnicking? Enjoying the great outdoors? Ohio is filled with local, state, and federal parks to enjoy, outdoor attractions, and more. Do you have people represented in your archives instrumental to parks development? All of these are examples for wonderful submissions! Continue reading

Virtual Meet-Up for Ohio Archivists, March 3, 2021

The SOA Advocacy and Outreach Committee is hosting a virtual informal Meet-Up on Wednesday, March 3 at 3pm via Zoom as an opportunity for Ohio Archivists to get together. As we approach the one-year mark since the world began to shut down due to COVID-19, the Committee thought this would be a good time to have a brief afternoon get together to chat with each other. Please join to chat with fellow archivists!

Meeting Info:
Topic: Society of Ohio Archivists Virtual “Meet Up”
Time: March 3, 2021, 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register here for the Zoom meeting; registration open through meeting time.

We hope you can join!

Questions? Contact the Advocacy and Outreach Committee Cochairs Natalie Fritz and Jenifer Baker.

Ohio Archives Month 2020 Poster: Ohio Women and the Fight for the Right to Vote

Ohio Archives Month Poster 2020This year’s theme for the Ohio Archives Month poster was Ohio Women and the Fight for the Right to Vote, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which expanded the women’s suffrage across the country. We invited repositories and institutions across the state to submit their photographs, documents, or other graphical materials that exhibit a connection to this year’s theme. (Download the poster as 3MB PDF.)

The SOA Advocacy and Outreach Committee received submissions on the theme from 7 institutions, for a total of 13 photographs and documents! The submissions were compiled, and 3 images were selected by the designer for the final poster. Due to COVID-19 and many archivists not having access to their collections, we had considerable fewer submissions this year, but we hope you can submit your images next year.

See our 2020 poster page for more about the images featured on the poster from the Community Archives of Patricia Smith Griffin, and the Ohio History Connection, as well as the others submitted, and the full text of the poster.

2020 Archives Month Poster Submissions Mosaic (not on poster)

2020 Archives Month Poster submissions not included on the poster.

Thank you to the following institutions for their participation: Clark County Historical Society; Case Western Reserve University; Community Archives of Patricia Smith Griffin; Logan County History Center; Oberlin College Archives; Ohio History Connection; and The Ohio State University Rare Books and Manuscripts Library.

We hope everyone takes the opportunity this Archives Month to promote their institution and collections. We look forward to hearing from you over the month. Be sure to check the SOA website and Twitter account regularly for updates on the various Archives Month activities throughout the state!

Questions? Contact the Advocacy and Outreach Committee Cochairs Natalie Fritz and Jenifer Baker.