Category Archives: News

The Spring 2019 SOA Newsletter is now available!

The Spring 2019 issue of the Ohio Archivist is now available! In this issue you will find all the information about the spring annual meeting. The issue also contains grant and award information; news from SOA members and institutions across the state; 2019’s Archives Month Poster theme; a recap of the joint OLHA/SOA fall meeting; and statements from the the 2019 SOA slate of candidates that will be voted on during the annual meeting.

SOA Archives Month Poster Submission- Deadline Friday, March 29, 2019

This Friday, March 29, 2019 is the deadline to submit photographs, documents and other graphical materials for the SOA Archives Month poster. Please consider submitting material(s) from your institution.

This year’s theme is Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Ohio’s Role in Space Exploration, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20, 1969.  Your submissions should demonstrate a connection to Ohio or the contributions of its residents in the development of the technologies that lead to the Space Race and space exploration. Here’s your chance to highlight interesting, fun, and thought-provoking items from your collections!

If interested in participating, please submit your images (limit of 3 per institution) to Melissa Dalton at [email protected] by Friday, March 29, 2019. SOA members will have the opportunity to vote on their favorite entry between Monday, April 8, 2019 – Friday, April 26, 2019.

We look forward to your participation!

2019 SOA Preconference Workshop Survey, Part 2

Reminder: Survey is due January 23, 2019! Thank you to those who have already filled it out!

First of all, the Society of Ohio Archivists’ 2019 Educational Programming Committee would like to thank everyone who filled out part 1 of the preconference workshop survey that was sent out in December. The clear winner was a workshop on born-digital records.

Just to refresh your memory: 2017 saw the return of the SOA preconference workshop with a collaboration with the Ohio Preservation Council, hosted by the Ohio History Connection. Simple Supports for Dynamic Exhibits, led by Miriam Nelson & Catarina Figueirinhas, was a 2-hour hands-on workshop, full at 20 attendees. In 2018, Finding Aids for the Future, led by Morag Boyd and Cate Putirskis, presented in partnership with ALAO SCAig and hosted by Ohio History Connection, was full at 40 attendees.

This year, our preconference workshop will be held on Thursday, May 16, 2019, in Akron, Ohio. The survey included in this email, will help the SOA Educational Programming Committee determine logistical details based on the topic of born-digital records.

Part 2 of the survey is due January 23, 2019. Please fill out the survey HERE:

Thanks in advance for your help!

Society of Ohio Archivists’ Educational Programming Committee

SOA 2019 Annual Meeting CFP due January 21!

Deadline to submit proposals is next week! Submit by Monday, January 21, 2019, at 5:00 p.m.

Invention and Innovation: Society of Ohio Archivists Annual Meeting

Friday, May 17, 2019

To be held at the Hilton Akron/Fairlawn Hotel ( in Akron, Ohio.

The Society of Ohio Archivists’ 2019 annual meeting
travels to Akron, Ohio, the “City of Invention,” this May. In the
spirit of Akron, the Program Committee seeks proposal topics on the theme of “Invention and Innovation” in archives, collections, or related work.
Creativity is encouraged!

Continue reading

Invention and Innovation: Society of Ohio Archivists Annual Meeting Friday, May 17, 2019



To be held at the Hilton Akron/Fairlawn Hotel in Akron, Ohio.

Deadline to submit proposals: Monday, January 21, 2019, 5:00 p.m.

The Society of Ohio Archivists’ 2019 annual meeting travels to Akron, Ohio, the “City of Invention,” this May. In the spirit of Akron, the Program Committee seeks proposal topics on the theme of “Invention and Innovation” in archives, collections, or related work. Creativity is encouraged!

Session, poster, and discussion proposal topics can address a broad array of topics, including, but not limited to:

• Longstanding institutional projects or collections in accordance with the ‘Invention and Innovation’ theme

• Current and forward-moving tools for archival discovery, maintenance, and/or marketing

• Outreach and instruction that employs new methods, or addresses innovative or inventive topics

• Inventive and innovative student, intern, and volunteer experiences and projects

• Unique collection development ventures

• Best practices and new methods for handling preservation, description, and access to analog, born-digital, or hybrid collections

• Diversity, access, inclusion, and community archives

The Program Committee encourages proposals of panel sessions, student and professional posters, as well as alternative formats such as a debate, fish bowl, lightning, mini-workshop, pecha kucha, world café, and other session formats that encourage interaction between presenters and attendees. Please see the proposal form for more detailed information about alternative sessions.

Proposals must include:

• Session/Poster title and type

• Abstract of 250 words describing the session/poster and how it will be of interest to SOA attendees

• Description of 150 words for the printed program

• Contact information for the primary presenter and any other participants

• A/V or technology requirements

• Any additional special needs

Proposals will be evaluated on clarity, originality, diversity of content and speaker representation, and completeness of proposal and presenters. The Program Committee also encourages proposals from students*, new professionals*, first-time presenters and attendees, individuals from related professions, as well as those from outside the state of Ohio.

Please complete the proposal form by January 21, 2019, at 

More meeting details will appear as they develop at: & follow the conversation online at #soaam19.

Questions? Please contact:

Stephanie Bricking ([email protected]) or Stacey Lavender ([email protected])

Co-chairs, Society of Ohio Archivists Educational Programming Committee*Note that applications for travel scholarships for students and new professionals are due by February 25, 2019.

SOA Annual Meeting (Save the Date!) May 17, 2019

Mark your calendars!

The Society of Ohio Archivists’ 2019 Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, May 17, 2019, at the Hilton Akron/Fairlawn Hotel in Akron, Ohio, with a preconference workshop and mixer on Thursday, May 16.

Join us for two days full of Invention and Innovation.

Follow the Annual Meeting website and hashtag (#soaam19) for more information. And be on the lookout for the call for proposals, which will be sent out mid-December.

We hope to see you all in May!

Stephanie Bricking & Stacey Lavender
Co-chairs, Society of Ohio Archivists Educational Programming Committee

SOA/OLHA fall meeting Oct 5-6 – Preregistration closes 9/21

Fall Meeting 2018

Join the Society of Ohio Archivists and the Ohio Local History Alliance for the 2018 joint meeting and conference: The Past is Present

October 5-6, 2018 – Crown Plaza, Dublin, Ohio

It is OLHA’s annual meeting (packed with great sessions) with the addition of a SOA track on Friday (day 1), serving as SOA’s fall conference. Come for SOA’s sessions or come for the entire conference!


  • Member (SOA/OLHA) $85; Nonmember $105; Student $51
  • Also single day rates and preconference workshop available. See registration link.
  • Register online by September 21 at 

Accommodations: A block of rooms has been reserved at the Crowne Plaza in Dublin (800.309.0989). Ask for the event code OLH or register online using this link to receive the discounted conference room rate of $101.00 + tax per night. Be sure to book your reservation by September 20; after September 20, the block of rooms will be released and the hotel may charge higher rates. Parking is free.

For more information on the full program see or download the program brochure.

SOA TRACK – Friday Oct 5

9-9:50am – Basics of Finding Aids
Writing finding aids for your collections can feel daunting if you don’t know where to start. This session is intended for individuals who have little or no prior experience writing finding aids, and will focus on just the basics: what information does a finding aid absolutely need to include to meet archival best practices, and how can you get there simply.
Cate Putirskis, special collection processing manager, The Ohio State University Libraries

10:10-11:00am – Project STAND
This year’s SOA Merit Award winner will highlight and discuss Project STAND (Student Activism Now Documented), which unifies historical materials documenting student activism from a variety of academic institutions.
Lae’l Hughes-Watkins, university archivist, assistant professor, Kent State University Libraries

11:20-12:10pm – Grant Opportunities for Preservation and Access
Representatives from the Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board and the Ohio Preservation Council will discuss grant opportunities relating to preserving and providing access to historical materials offered by their respective organizations.
Ashleigh Schieszer, OPC & Ron Davidson, OHRAB

2:00-2:50pm – Ask an Archivist
Archivists from different sized institutions and with a variety of job descriptions will be ready to discuss a variety of archival issues including donor relations, digital projects, archival best practices, and more. Come ready with archives questions!
Robin Heise, records manager/archivist, Greene County Records Center and Archives; Nancy Horlacher, local history specialist, Dayton Metro Library; Amy McCrory, head, Digital Imaging Unit, The Ohio State University Libraries; Collette McDonough, archivist and library manager, Kettering Foundation; Adam Wanter, digital and special collections archivist, MidPointe Library System.

3:10-4:00pm – Bertie’s Journals: The Dawes Arboretum Digitization Project
In late 2016, The Dawes Arboretum History Department began to prepare for the digitization of its entire archival collection. The starting point of this project would be to digitize Arboretum co-founder Bertie Dawes’s journals. This presentation, using the journals as a case study, will outline the steps small institutions can take to begin mass digitization projects that have an online presence.
Sarah Aisenbrey, archivist, The Dawes Arboretum

Janet Carleton

Vice President | Liaison to Educational Programming Committee

Society of Ohio Archivists

Newest Council Members and Council Liaisons

Although the SOA Annual meeting is over, we have a couple of new bits of information to share below:

The newest council members and treasurer have been announced!

Council Members:

  • Cate Putirskis – Special Collections Processing Manager, Ohio State University Libraries
  • Sherri Goudy – Ohio History Service Corps Member, Logan County History Center/Ohio History Connection


  • Mark Bloom – Archives Associate, Senior, The University of Akron

We also have the new list of Council Liaisons (check the various committee pages for updates soon)


Issues of the Ohio Archivist 1970-2001, Now Online

The Ohio State University Libraries has completed digitizing and archived the Ohio Archivist in the University’s Knowledge Bank. The Knowledge Bank ( is Ohio State’s institutional repository. Inclusion in the Knowledge Bank means that issues of the Ohio Archivist will be searchable (e.g. by Google) and available via the Internet. Other benefits of this arrangement include long-term preservation in a professionally managed repository, a worldwide audience, a long-term stable URL that can be used in citation, and an increased web presence.

The Ohio Archivist is the official newsletter of the Society of Ohio Archivists (SOA). Its primary mission is to serve as a conduit for information about the SOA and its membership. The Ohio Archivist also publishes articles containing general information about the archival profession, especially as it relates to archivists located within Ohio and the Midwest. The Ohio Archivist is published twice a year, in the spring and fall.

Issues from Spring 1970 through Spring 2001 are available online in the Knowledge Bank at the following link:

Issues from Fall 2001 through Fall 2017 are available online on the Society of Ohio Archivists’ website at the following link: 


Notification of Intent: OSU Knowledge Bank to Archive Digital Versions of the Ohio Archivist

We are pleased to announce that The Ohio State University Libraries will archive digital versions of the Ohio Archivist through the University’s Knowledge Bank. The Knowledge Bank ( is Ohio State’s institutional repository. Inclusion in the Knowledge Bank means that issues of the Ohio Archivist will be searchable (e.g. by Google) and available via the Internet. Other benefits of this arrangement include long-term preservation in a professionally managed repository, a worldwide audience, a long-term stable URL that can be used in citation, and an increased web presence.

We welcome questions from any author/contributor to the Ohio Archivist regarding inclusion in the Knowledge Bank. Please contact us at [email protected].