Category Archives: Conferences / Meetings

Call for Proposals: 2021 SOA Annual Meeting: Archives in an Era of Change

The Society of Ohio Archivists’  2021 Annual Meeting will be meeting virtually this June 7-8 thanks to technical support from the Ohio History Connection. This year we welcome proposals that explore the theme, “Archives in an Era of Change.”

We are asking for submissions that address the way that archives have adapted to changes. How did you assess your practices? What did you start, stop, create, or change over the last year. What was a success? As archives continue to adapt and react to social justice reforms, attacks on democracy, what are the takeaways?

Session, poster, and discussion proposal topics can address a broad array of topics, including, but not limited to:

  • Longstanding institutional projects or collections in accordance with the “Archives in an Era of Change” theme
  • Diversity, access, inclusion, and community archives
  • Current and forward-moving tools for archival discovery, maintenance, and/or marketing
  • Outreach and instruction that employs creative or adapted methods, or addresses complex topics
  • Transformative student, intern, and volunteer experiences and projects
  • Unique collection development ventures
  • Best practices and new methods for handling preservation, description, and access to analog, born-digital, or hybrid collections

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Virtual Meet-Up for Ohio Archivists, March 3, 2021

The SOA Advocacy and Outreach Committee is hosting a virtual informal Meet-Up on Wednesday, March 3 at 3pm via Zoom as an opportunity for Ohio Archivists to get together. As we approach the one-year mark since the world began to shut down due to COVID-19, the Committee thought this would be a good time to have a brief afternoon get together to chat with each other. Please join to chat with fellow archivists!

Meeting Info:
Topic: Society of Ohio Archivists Virtual “Meet Up”
Time: March 3, 2021, 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register here for the Zoom meeting; registration open through meeting time.

We hope you can join!

Questions? Contact the Advocacy and Outreach Committee Cochairs Natalie Fritz and Jenifer Baker.

Save the Date: SOA Annual Meeting (Virtual), June 7-8, 2021

We now have a date for this year’s virtual annual meeting, June 7-8, 2021! Please mark this on your calendars and watch for a future Call For Proposals!

The Educational Programming Committee is also looking for SOA members to serve on the committee for planning meetings.

Questions? Contact the Educational Programming Committee Cochairs Rachael Bussert and William Modrow.

Call for Educational Programming Committee Members

Interested in professional development and learning more about the field? The Educational Programming Committee is looking for SOA members to serve on the committee for planning SOA’s annual virtual conference, June 7-8, 2021.

Mission: The EPC plans the Annual Meeting (spring), the fall joint meeting with Ohio Local History Alliance, and professional development workshops. Activities include choosing a conference theme, solicitation and selection of session presenters, selection of plenary speaker, publication and distribution of conference announcements, and soliciting sponsors.

If interested or have questions please contact the Educational Programming Committee Cochairs Rachael Bussert and William Modrow.

Extended Through 9/30! Register for SOA/OLHA Fall Meeting!

Melanie Adams portrait

Melanie Adams, Keynote speaker for OLHA/SOA 2020

Join the Society of Ohio Archivists and the Ohio Local History Association for our virtual joint fall meeting: History is Happening Now, October 1-3, 2020.

This is OLHA’s annual meeting with the addition of a SOA track on Thursday & Friday, serving as SOA’s fall conference. Come for SOA’s sessions or come for the entire conference!

This year, registration covers the full conference including the keynote, “The Urgency of Now: Taking Risks to Serve Your Community” with Melanie Adams, Anacostia Community Museum, Smithsonian Institution.

Register online through September 25 extended through Wednesday September 30!  or download a form to print and mail.
Fees: Member (SOA/OLHA) $40; Nonmember $50; Student/Unemployed/Furloughed $20.

All sessions will be virtual and held using the Zoom meeting and webinar platform. See the Annual Meeting page for schedule and more!

Questions? Contact the Educational Programming Committee Cochairs Rachael Bussert and William Modrow.

Register Now: SOA/OLHA 2020 Joint Meeting (Virtual)

Join the Society of Ohio Archivists and the Ohio Local History Association for our joint fall meeting: History is Happening Now, October 1-3, 2020.

Melanie Adams portrait

Melanie Adams, Keynote speaker for OLHA/SOA 2020

This is OLHA’s annual meeting with the addition of a SOA track on Thursday & Friday, serving as SOA’s fall conference. Come for SOA’s sessions or come for the entire conference! This year, registration covers the full conference including the keynote, “The Urgency of Now: Taking Risks to Serve Your Community” with Melanie Adams, Anacostia Community Museum, Smithsonian Institution.

Register online through September 25 or download a form to print and mail. Fees: Member (SOA/OLHA) $40; Nonmember $50; Student/Unemployed/Furloughed $20.

All sessions will be virtual and held using the Zoom meeting and webinar platform. See the Annual Meeting page for schedule and more!

Questions? Contact the Committee Cochairs Rachael Bussert and William Modrow.

Virtual Meet-Up for Ohio Archivists, Aug 13, 2020

The SOA Advocacy and Outreach Committee is hosting a virtual informal Meet-Up on Thursday, August 13 at 3pm via Zoom. This is an opportunity for Ohio archivists to get together to chat about the COVID-19 survey archives results, reopening, policies and procedures, and more!

Join us to chat with fellow archivists!

Meeting Info:
Topic: Society of Ohio Archivists Virtual “Meet Up”
Time: Aug 13, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register here for the for Zoom Meeting, registration open through meeting time.

We hope you can join!

Questions? Contact the Advocacy and Outreach Committee Cochairs Natalie Fritz and Jenifer Baker.

SOA 2020 Annual Meeting Recordings & Slides Available

The Society of Ohio Archivists’ Annual Meeting: Archiving 100 Years of Change was held online via Zoom on Tuesday June 16 & Wednesday June 17. Over the course of two days, we enjoyed informative and engaging sessions on digitizing community collections, digital preservation, preserving oral histories, learning from challenges in the archives, and more.

View the recordings, including the plenary by Kimberly Hamlin on “Finding Sex, Race, and Suffrage in the Archives: What I Found When I Looked for Helen Hamilton Gardener in the Library of Congress’s Manuscript Collections” on the meeting’s playlist on YouTube at

Slides can be found on the Annual Meeting Schedule.

Sponsors: Hollinger Metal Edge conference sponsor | Ohio Humanities, plenary sponsor.

Thank you to all the presenters, sponsors, and Educational Programming Committee members for making it all possible!YouTube playlist


SOA Virtual Meet-Up – Thursday, June 18, 3pm via Zoom

Earlier this year, the Society of Ohio Archivists Advocacy & Outreach Committee discussed setting up informal meet-ups around the state to allow archival colleagues to get together informally. COVID-19 disrupted those in-person plans for 2020, but we wanted to try a virtual option on Thursday, June 18 (the day following SOA’s virtual two-day Annual Meeting June 16-17).

Register here to join the meet-up! (Registration will be open right up to meeting time.)

We hope this virtual get together will provide attendees a chance to “see” each other and chat, commiserate, and share, however briefly. So join us to say hello and share a bit about the strangeness of these past few months, and plans for moving forward in our institutions. All are welcome!

Thank you, SOA Advocacy and Outreach Committee

Reminder: Register for 2020 SOA Annual Meeting: Archiving 100 Years of Change

Kimberly A. Hamlin portrait

Plenary speaker Kimberly A. Hamlin, award-winning historian, speaker, and writer.

Join your colleagues on Tuesday June 16 & Wednesday June 17, for the 2020 Society of Ohio Archivists virtual conference, Archiving 100 Years of Change.

Plenary: Starting off the conference our plenary speaker, Kimberly Hamlin will speak on “Finding Sex, Race, and Suffrage in the Archives: What I Found When I Looked for Helen Hamilton Gardener in the Library of Congress’s Manuscript Collections.” This lecture 9am-10am, is free and open to the public! Register for the lecture here. Continue reading