SOA 2014 Candidate Statements

This year’s SOA election will be held May 16, 2014 during the business meeting at the SOA Annual Conference.  At this time, the SOA Treasurer and 2 Council members will be elected.  The candidates are:

For Treasurer:
Emily Gainer

For Council (2 Seats):
Jennifer Haney
Andrew Harris
Kayla Harris
Suzanne Maggard

For the candidates’ statements, see the SOA Spring 2014 newsletter or click here.  For information about how to register for the SOA Annual Conference, see the Annual Conference page.

Last Updated on July 19, 2020 by janet_carleton

SOA Spring Conference–Registration Open!

The Society of Ohio Archivists’ Spring Conference will be held on Friday May 16, 2014 at the Lakeside Conference Center at OCLC in Dublin, Ohio.

Registration is now open!  The registration fee is $40 for members, $30 for students, and $60 for non-members. Register online at:

A pdf version of the registration form is available for those who do not wish to register online. Download the form here.  Pre-conference registration will close on Friday May 9.  Onsite registration is available, but lunch is not guaranteed for onsite registrants.

See the Annual Conference page for information about the conference program and scholarships.

Last Updated on September 23, 2020 by janet_carleton

Register for the 2014 SOA Annual Conference

The Society of Ohio Archivists invites you to attend the 2014 Annual Spring Conference to be held on Friday May 16 at the OCLC Lakeside Conference Center in Dublin, Ohio.

This year’s theme, Building Capacity: Discovering Archival Collections in the 21st Century, will explore user interactions with rare and unique materials in our technology driven society. We are excited to announce that the plenary speaker is Chris Prom, Ph.D., Assistant University Archivist and Associate Professor of Library Administration at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Prom is a recognized expert in digital archives.

Panel sessions and posters will feature topics on community outreach through mobile digitization and behind-the-scenes tours, digital repository migration, local grants programs, descriptive workflows, and more. This year’s silent auction will feature a Bowe Bell and Howell Sidekick scanner, valued at over $1,000 and tickets to Zoombezi Bay in Columbus, Ohio.

To register and pay online, please visit the Ohio History Store or visit our website for a printable registration form to mail with your payment. The registration fee is $40 for members, $60 for non-members, and $30 for students.  Lunch is included in the cost of the conference but advanced registration is necessary to guarantee lunch the day of conference.

For more conference information, visit the Annual Conference page.

We hope to see you there!

Last Updated on May 18, 2021 by janet_carleton

New Membership Outreach Tools

SOA pencils for outreach activities

SOA pencils for outreach activities

The SOA Membership Committee has purchased equipment for membership display tables for conferences and other public events. We now have three sets of full-length table-cloths, display banners for the front of the table, and hardware to fasten the banners and other displays. Additionally, we have 1,000 pencils to offer as conference giveaways; the pencils include the SOA url.

These items are presently with Ron Davidson at the Sandusky Library, but sets will soon be distributed to strategic locations throughout the state, including Columbus and other yet to be determined sites. They will be available for members to use wherever SOA is represented. For more information, contact Ron Davidson, Membership Committee chair.

SOA banner for outreach activities

SOA banner for outreach activities

Last Updated on March 9, 2021 by janet_carleton

Spring Issue of Ohio Archivist Now Available

The Ohio Archivist editorial board is pleased to announce the spring issue of the Ohio Archivist is now available.

Access it from the Newsletter page. The more recent issues are also available through issuu at

This issue contains:


  •  An Archival Literacy Assignment by Leah Schmidt
  •  Disability: Uncovering Our Hidden History by Barbara Floyd
  •  Go-To Digital Resources by Daniel Noonan
  •  The Past is Prologue: Archival Literacy as Bridge between Archivists and Educators by Shelley Blundell

SOA and Ohio Archives News

  •  Annual Meeting Overview & Registration by Suzanne Maggard
  •  Archives Month update by George Bain
  •  Engaging and Attracting SOA Members by Emily Gainer
  •  Fall Joint Meeting Recap by Christine Schmid Engels
  •  News & Notes by Lisa Rickey
  •  Ohio Grant News by Lisa Rickey
  •  President’s Message by Judy Wiener
  •  Public Information Committee News by Jennifer Long Morehart
  •  Slate of Candidates by Jane Wildermuth
  •  SOA Committees–You are Invited! by Nathan Tallman



Last Updated on July 19, 2020 by janet_carleton

Call for SOA Merit Award Nominations

The Society of Ohio Archivists Merit Award is given to individuals or organizations that have by excellence in deeds, actions, or initiatives improved the state of archives in Ohio over the past year.

Applications should include the following information:

  •  Name of nominee;
  •  Nominee’s employer or institution;
  •  Nominee’s mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address;
  •  Brief reason for nomination;
  •  The nominator’s contact information so that the awards committee may contact you for additional information;

Applications are due by March 28, 2014.

Applications and inquiries can be sent via e-mail or mail to Devhra BennettJones.  Email: [email protected]  Address: Lloyd Library, 917 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.

For past recipients and additional information, please visit the Merit Award page.

The award will be presented at the Society of Ohio Archivists Annual meeting on May 16, 2014 at the OCLC Conference Center in Dublin, Ohio.

Last Updated on July 19, 2020 by janet_carleton

Annual Conference Scholarships Available

The Society of Ohio Archivists (SOA) is pleased to announce four scholarships available to students (2 awards total in this category) and new archival professionals (2 awards total in this category) with three years or less experience in the workplace to attend their annual spring conference on May 16, 2014 at the OCLC Conference Center in Dublin, Ohio.

The scholarship consists of conference registration (including lunch), a one year membership to SOA, and a $100 travel stipend.  Awardees are required to write about their experience for publication in the Ohio Archivist newsletter.

Applications should include the following information:

  • Applicant’s name, mailing address, and e-mail address.
  • Students should list their school’s name and academic program;
  • New professionals should list their employer and number of years working within the field;
  • Description about how the conference will benefit the applicant professionally;
  • Brief description of the applicant’s scholarship and contribution to archives. This will be taken into consideration along with the applicant’s number of years in the field or academic study;
  • Statement of the applicant’s need for financial support to attend the conference;

Applications are due by March 28, 2014.

Applications and inquiries can be sent via e-mail or mail to Devhra BennettJones.  Email: [email protected]  Address: Lloyd Library, 917 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.

Last Updated on July 19, 2020 by janet_carleton

Call for Poster Presentations

The Society of Ohio Archivists is accepting proposals from students and professionals for a poster session during the 2014 SOA Spring Conference at the OCLC Conference Center in Dublin, Ohio on May 16, 2014.  Posters will be displayed throughout the conference with a specified time for presenters to discuss their project and answer questions.

Individual posters may describe applied or theoretical research that is completed or underway; discuss interesting collections with which presenters have worked; or report on archives and records projects in which presenters have participated (e.g., development of finding aids, public outreach, database construction, etc.). Submissions should focus on research or activities conducted recently.

Eligibility for Submitting a Poster Presentation Proposal

Individuals working in a position as archivist, librarian, or historian where they are significantly involved in arrangement and description, reference services, digitization or other technology-based projects, preservation/conservation of paper or electronic material, etc.

Students currently attending or recent graduates, within the past year, of an undergraduate or graduate program that includes a concentration in Archival Studies, Library Science, Public History, or another field closely related to archival work.

The work of joint authors is also acceptable – such as student groups, student chapters, or groups of professional colleagues.  One person should coordinate the submission of each group proposal.

Submission Format and Deadline

Proposals must be received no later than January 17, 2014 and must include the following information:
* Proposer’s Name and Contact Information (email address, postal address, and phone number)
* Proposer’s Institutional Affiliation (College/University for students, Employer for professionals)
* Proposer’s position title, if applicable
* Degree program, if applicable
* Title of Poster Presentation
* Type of Proposal (Individual Poster or Group Poster)
* Poster Abstract (200 words or less)
* A short description of how your poster content will be useful or of interest to SOA attendees
* Affirmation of Attendance (a sentence indicating your commitment to attend 2014 SOA Spring Meeting 2014 and present your poster in person if selected)
*For group posters, please include the name and contact information for any co-presenters

Submit your proposal to Stephanie Bricking at [email protected].

Each person submitting a proposal will receive an email confirmation that their proposal was received.  If you do not receive an email confirmation, please contact the coordinators of the SOA poster session listed below.

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Bricking ([email protected]) or Jacky Johnson ([email protected]).

Last Updated on April 10, 2015 by