Category Archives: News

Ohio Archivist “News & Notes” Call for Submissions, Fall 2020

Ohio Archivist header graphicWe are now collecting submissions of “News & Notes” for the fall 2020 issue of the Society of Ohio Archivists’ newsletter Ohio Archivist.

You do not have to be a member of SOA to submit your news–all Ohio archives, records, and special collections news is welcome!

Submissions should be under 250 words and are due to news editor Jessica Heys, no later than the end of day Sunday, July 19, 2020.

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SOA 2020 Annual Meeting Recordings & Slides Available

The Society of Ohio Archivists’ Annual Meeting: Archiving 100 Years of Change was held online via Zoom on Tuesday June 16 & Wednesday June 17. Over the course of two days, we enjoyed informative and engaging sessions on digitizing community collections, digital preservation, preserving oral histories, learning from challenges in the archives, and more.

View the recordings, including the plenary by Kimberly Hamlin on “Finding Sex, Race, and Suffrage in the Archives: What I Found When I Looked for Helen Hamilton Gardener in the Library of Congress’s Manuscript Collections” on the meeting’s playlist on YouTube at

Slides can be found on the Annual Meeting Schedule.

Sponsors: Hollinger Metal Edge conference sponsor | Ohio Humanities, plenary sponsor.

Thank you to all the presenters, sponsors, and Educational Programming Committee members for making it all possible!YouTube playlist


SOA Virtual Meet-Up – Thursday, June 18, 3pm via Zoom

Earlier this year, the Society of Ohio Archivists Advocacy & Outreach Committee discussed setting up informal meet-ups around the state to allow archival colleagues to get together informally. COVID-19 disrupted those in-person plans for 2020, but we wanted to try a virtual option on Thursday, June 18 (the day following SOA’s virtual two-day Annual Meeting June 16-17).

Register here to join the meet-up! (Registration will be open right up to meeting time.)

We hope this virtual get together will provide attendees a chance to “see” each other and chat, commiserate, and share, however briefly. So join us to say hello and share a bit about the strangeness of these past few months, and plans for moving forward in our institutions. All are welcome!

Thank you, SOA Advocacy and Outreach Committee

Reminder: Register for 2020 SOA Annual Meeting: Archiving 100 Years of Change

Kimberly A. Hamlin portrait

Plenary speaker Kimberly A. Hamlin, award-winning historian, speaker, and writer.

Join your colleagues on Tuesday June 16 & Wednesday June 17, for the 2020 Society of Ohio Archivists virtual conference, Archiving 100 Years of Change.

Plenary: Starting off the conference our plenary speaker, Kimberly Hamlin will speak on “Finding Sex, Race, and Suffrage in the Archives: What I Found When I Looked for Helen Hamilton Gardener in the Library of Congress’s Manuscript Collections.” This lecture 9am-10am, is free and open to the public! Register for the lecture here. Continue reading

SOA Election Results 2020

Sherri Goudy portrait

Sherri Goudy

The Society of Ohio Archivists held its normally scheduled election online for the first time ever, over the period of May 6-22. This election moved online due to the global pandemic and cancellation of the in-person Annual Meeting (usually held in mid-May), during which members voted.


Lisa Rickey portrait

Lisa Rickey

With the results now in and officially recognized, SOA welcomes its new leaders:

  • Melissa Dalton, Greene County Records Center & Archives, as Council member;
  • Sherri Goudy, Nerd Girl History Adventure, as Vice-President/President Elect;
  • Lisa Rickey, Wright State University Libraries, as Treasurer.
Melissa Dalton portrait

Melissa Dalton

Council would like to thank Cate Putirskis, The Ohio State University, outgoing Council member; and Mark Bloom, University of Akron, outgoing Treasurer; for all that they have done for SOA. Council also thanks the members who voted, and the Nominating Committee.

For more information see the Officer and Council Member roster and the Nominating Committee page.

SOA Council Statement on Racial Inequality and Black Lives Matter

June 3, 2020—We, at the Society of Ohio Archivists, are profoundly saddened and outraged by the numerous, unjustified deaths of Black men and women in our country.  We grieve the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless more who have died because of police brutality fueled by hate. We grieve the brutal lynching of Ahmaud Arbery at the hands of vigilante white men, including a former police officer. We condemn the use of violence, vigilantism, and the weaponization of supremacy, and we denounce police violence against Black people.

As archivists, we know this problem is deeply rooted in the history and founding of our nation. It is also rooted in our institutions, including archives. We are committed to recognizing and breaking down systems of white supremacy within our own archives. For decades, the historical narrative has largely left out the stories of Black people in our country. Part of our work as archivists includes creating a space where we can collaborate and dialogue with those whose stories have been marginalized, ignored, and silenced. Our efforts and missions include learning from the past to prepare for the future. We can only do that if we include all voices. Continue reading

2020 SOA Annual Meeting: Archiving 100 Years of Change

Join your colleagues on Tuesday June 16 & Wednesday June 17, for the 2020 Society of Ohio Archivists virtual conference, Archiving 100 Years of Change.

Kimberly A. Hamlin portrait

Plenary speaker Kimberly A. Hamlin, award-winning historian, speaker, and writer.

Starting off the conference our plenary speaker, Kimberly Hamlin, will be discussing sex, race, and suffrage in the archives, based on her research into suffragist Helen Hamilton Gardener. Over the course of two days, we will have sessions discussing digitizing community collections, digital preservation, preserving oral histories, learning from challenges in the archives and more. We hope to “see” you at our upcoming meeting on Zoom!

Schedule: To see the full schedule and to register, visit the SOA conference page at

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Keep in Touch: Update Email Address if Necessary

Dear SOA members,

In this unstable time, please let us know if you need to change your preferred email address for SOA Membership communications. If so, please email [email protected] with your current email address and the email address that you’d like it changed to. Also, if you need to change your Listserv email settings, you can do it here.

Soon we will be contacting members regarding online voting for leadership positions, as well as annual meeting and newsletter news, and we don’t want to miss you!

SOA Annual Conference 2020 (virtual): Save the Dates June 16-17!

Kimberly A. Hamlin portrait

Plenary speaker Kimberly A. Hamlin, award-winning historian, speaker, and writer.

Save the dates! SOA has moved its annual conference online! Join us Tuesday June 16-Wednesday June 17, 2020, for our virtual conference, Archiving 100 Years of Change. Watch the annual conference website for more details, including the schedule and registration, as they are updated to reflect meeting virtually.

Can’t wait to see you in June!
Questions? Please contact Society of Ohio Archivists’s Educational Programming Committee Cochairs Stephanie Bricking or
William Modrow