Call for Session Proposals and Posters
Archives Amplified
Society of Ohio Archivists Spring Meeting
Friday May 15, 2015
The SOA 2015 Program Committee is seeking a broad array of creative proposals related to archival work today and into the future. This year we are accepting both session proposals and poster proposals at the same time. All proposal topics are welcome. Possible ideas include, but are not limited to:
- Tools for Archival Discovery, Maintenance, and/or Marketing
- Outreach and Instruction efforts
- Student, Intern, and Volunteer Experiences and Projects
- Funding for Archival Projects or Archival Facilities
- Unique Collection Development Ventures
- Preservation, Description, and Access to Traditional, Born-digital, or Hybrid Collections
Proposals of traditional panel sessions, student and professional posters, and alternative formats such as lightening rounds, pecha kucha, fish bowl sessions, and other session formats that allow for interaction between presenters and attendees are encouraged.
The Program Committee encourages proposals from students, new professionals, first time presenters and attendees, as well as individuals from related professions.
The deadline for proposal submission is Friday December 12, 2014.
Proposals must include the following information:
- Session Title
- Session Type (Traditional Panel, Student Poster, Professional Poster, Fishbowl, Lightening Round, Debate, Mini-workshop, World Café, etc.)
- Session proposal abstract of 250 words or less describing the session or poster and how it will be of interest to SOA attendees
- Session Description for the SOA program (50 words or less)
- Session Contact Person (Name, Institution, Title or Degree Program, Telephone Number, Email Address)
- Other Participants and Contact Information (Name, Institution, Title or Degree Program, Telephone number, email address)
- A/V or Technology Requirements
- Additional Special Needs
Please submit the above proposal information via email to Suzanne Reller at [email protected] or Kristin Rodgers at [email protected]
Last Updated on December 15, 2014 by