Celebrating Archives Month in Ohio


Ohio Senator Joe Eucker (center), who represents Clermont County (Utopia) in the state senate, receives a 2014 Archives Month poster from State Archivist Fred Previts (left) and SOA Archives Month Committee chair George Bain (right) in his Statehouse office in early October.

IMG_6163State Representative Doug Green, who represents Utopia, OH (Clermont County), poses by the historical marker that relates the community’s beginnings. A photo of Utopia from 1940 is featured on the Society of Ohio Archivists’ Archives Month 2014 poster.

For more information about Archives Month in Ohio, see the Archives Month page.

Last Updated on July 19, 2020 by janet_carleton

Call for Session Proposals & Posters—SOA Annual Conference 2015

Call for Session Proposals and Posters

Archives Amplified
Society of Ohio Archivists Spring Meeting
Friday May 15, 2015

The SOA 2015 Program Committee is seeking a broad array of creative proposals related to archival work today and into the future.  This year we are accepting both session proposals and poster proposals at the same time.  All proposal topics are welcome.  Possible ideas include, but are not limited to:

  • Tools for Archival Discovery, Maintenance, and/or Marketing
  • Outreach and Instruction efforts
  • Student, Intern, and Volunteer Experiences and Projects
  • Funding for Archival Projects or Archival Facilities
  • Unique Collection Development Ventures
  • Preservation, Description, and Access to Traditional, Born-digital, or Hybrid Collections

Proposals of traditional panel sessions, student and professional posters, and alternative formats such as lightening rounds, pecha kucha, fish bowl sessions, and other session formats that allow for interaction between presenters and attendees are encouraged.

The Program Committee encourages proposals from students, new professionals, first time presenters and attendees, as well as individuals from related professions.

The deadline for proposal submission is Friday December 12, 2014.

 Proposals must include the following information:

  • Session Title
  • Session Type (Traditional Panel, Student Poster, Professional Poster, Fishbowl, Lightening Round, Debate, Mini-workshop, World Café, etc.)
  • Session proposal abstract of 250 words or less describing the session or poster and how it will be of interest to SOA attendees
  • Session Description for the SOA program (50 words or less)
  • Session Contact Person (Name, Institution, Title or Degree Program, Telephone Number, Email Address)
  • Other Participants and Contact Information (Name, Institution, Title or Degree Program, Telephone number, email address)
  • A/V or Technology Requirements
  • Additional Special Needs

Please submit the above proposal information via email to Suzanne Reller at [email protected] or Kristin Rodgers at [email protected]

Last Updated on December 15, 2014 by

Save the Date–SOA Spring Conference!

Save the Date

Society of Ohio Archivists 2015 Spring Conference

This year’s theme is Archives Amplified

When:   Friday May 15, 2015
Where:  OCLC Conference Center General Session Room, Dublin, Ohio

Call for Proposals Coming Soon!

Last Updated on October 25, 2014 by

2014 “I Found it in the Archives” Contest Results

I Found It In the Archives 2014 Ohio State-wide Competition Results

Deborah Clark Dushane is the winner of the I Found it in the Archives contest with her essay “If He Hadn’t Shot the Town Sheriff….” that received 46% of the total 1257 votes.  Deborah will be given a VIP tour of the Ohio State House and will be a guest at the Fall Society of Ohio Archivists meeting on October 3, 2014.

Thanks to the three contestants who shared personal stories about the discoveries they made using historical records found in archival collections at the Ohio History Connection, University of Akron Center for the History of Psychology, and Greene County Archives. Thank you to everyone who voted for their favorite entry and shared this opportunity with family and friends.

Read the entries for the 2014 “I Found it in the Archives” Contest.

Last Updated on July 19, 2020 by janet_carleton

Fall 2014 Ohio Archivist is out

The Fall 2014 issue of the Society’s newsletter, the Ohio Archivist, is now available for download from this site and issuu.

Articles and news items include: “‘History’s First Draft’ Online: NDNP in Ohio” by Jenni Salamon, “What is Your Personal Digital ‘Ecosystem’?” by Daniel Noonan, News & Notes, Ohio Grant News, Annual Meeting Summary, Archives Month, Fall Meeting, Merit Awards, National History Day in Ohio Awards, and the New Professional and Student Conference Scholarship Award essays.

Last Updated on July 26, 2020 by

“I Found it in the Archives” 2014 Voting Begins

Vote for your favorite “I Found it in the Archives” experience!  Read the 2014 “I Found it in the Archives” state finalist essays on the “I Found it in the Archives” Contest Entries page.  Voting begins August 18, 2014 and ends August 31, 2014.

See the “I Found it in the Archives” contest page for more information about the contest.

The “I Found it in the Archives” state winner will be featured during the SOA fall meeting, held in partnership with the Ohio Local History Alliance, on October 3, 2014.  For more information about SOA’s fall meeting, see the SOA Fall Meeting page.

Last Updated on September 9, 2014 by

SOA Fall Meeting, October 3-4, 2014

The Society of Ohio Archivists has partnered with the Ohio Local History Alliance for “Engage, Educate, Empower: Taking Your Organization to the Next Level” on October 3-4, 2014 at the Holiday Inn, Worthington, Ohio.

SOA has planned the following sessions on October 3:

  • 9:00-9:50: Showing Off: Creating Online Exhibits with Suzanne Maggard, University of Cincinnati
  • 10:05-10:55 and 11:20-12:10: Simple Custom Enclosures for Cultural Heritage Collections Workshop with Miriam Nelson, Ohio University
  • 1:40-2:30: Sharing Treasures From the Archives
  • 2:50-3:40: Ask An Archivist

SOA members may attend both SOA and OLHA sessions.  For more information, see the Alliance page, meeting brochure, hardcopy registration form, or online registration. Preregistration ends on Sept 22.


Last Updated on December 6, 2022 by

2014 SOA Merit Award

Congratulations to the Sandusky Library and to the Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board, winners of the 2014 SOA Merit Awards!

Merit Award presented to the Sandusky Library

SOA President Judith Wiener presents the Merit Award to the Sandusky Library, May 21, 2014, with Ron Davidson accepting on the library’s behalf. On right is Jillian Carney Council Liaison to the Awards Committee.

 SOA President Judith Wiener presenting Merit Award to OHRAB member Janet Carleton, accepting on behalf of the Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board, May 21, 2014. Others in photo are past or present OHRAB members (Laurie Gemmill Arp, Carleton, Dawne Dewey, Ron Davidson, George Bain). At right is Jillian Carney, OHS staff member who facilitates the board's work and Council liaison to the Awards Committee.

SOA President Judith Wiener presenting Merit Award to OHRAB member Janet Carleton, accepting on behalf of the Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board, May 21, 2014. Others in photo are past or present OHRAB members (Laurie Gemmill Arp, Carleton, Dawne Dewey, Ron Davidson, George Bain). At right is Jillian Carney, OHS staff member who facilitates the board’s work and Council liaison to the Awards Committee.

Last Updated on August 5, 2020 by janet_carleton

SOA Election Results

Congratulations to incoming SOA Council members Andrew Harris and Suzanne Maggard and to re-elected SOA Treasurer Emily Gainer!  Thank you to all of the candidates for their willingness to serve on the SOA Council.

SOA 2014 New Officials

Last Updated on September 9, 2014 by