SOA/OLHA fall meeting Oct 5-6 – Preregistration closes 9/21

Fall Meeting 2018

Join the Society of Ohio Archivists and the Ohio Local History Alliance for the 2018 joint meeting and conference: The Past is Present

October 5-6, 2018 – Crown Plaza, Dublin, Ohio

It is OLHA’s annual meeting (packed with great sessions) with the addition of a SOA track on Friday (day 1), serving as SOA’s fall conference. Come for SOA’s sessions or come for the entire conference!


  • Member (SOA/OLHA) $85; Nonmember $105; Student $51
  • Also single day rates and preconference workshop available. See registration link.
  • Register online by September 21 at 

Accommodations: A block of rooms has been reserved at the Crowne Plaza in Dublin (800.309.0989). Ask for the event code OLH or register online using this link to receive the discounted conference room rate of $101.00 + tax per night. Be sure to book your reservation by September 20; after September 20, the block of rooms will be released and the hotel may charge higher rates. Parking is free.

For more information on the full program see or download the program brochure.

SOA TRACK – Friday Oct 5

9-9:50am – Basics of Finding Aids
Writing finding aids for your collections can feel daunting if you don’t know where to start. This session is intended for individuals who have little or no prior experience writing finding aids, and will focus on just the basics: what information does a finding aid absolutely need to include to meet archival best practices, and how can you get there simply.
Cate Putirskis, special collection processing manager, The Ohio State University Libraries

10:10-11:00am – Project STAND
This year’s SOA Merit Award winner will highlight and discuss Project STAND (Student Activism Now Documented), which unifies historical materials documenting student activism from a variety of academic institutions.
Lae’l Hughes-Watkins, university archivist, assistant professor, Kent State University Libraries

11:20-12:10pm – Grant Opportunities for Preservation and Access
Representatives from the Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board and the Ohio Preservation Council will discuss grant opportunities relating to preserving and providing access to historical materials offered by their respective organizations.
Ashleigh Schieszer, OPC & Ron Davidson, OHRAB

2:00-2:50pm – Ask an Archivist
Archivists from different sized institutions and with a variety of job descriptions will be ready to discuss a variety of archival issues including donor relations, digital projects, archival best practices, and more. Come ready with archives questions!
Robin Heise, records manager/archivist, Greene County Records Center and Archives; Nancy Horlacher, local history specialist, Dayton Metro Library; Amy McCrory, head, Digital Imaging Unit, The Ohio State University Libraries; Collette McDonough, archivist and library manager, Kettering Foundation; Adam Wanter, digital and special collections archivist, MidPointe Library System.

3:10-4:00pm – Bertie’s Journals: The Dawes Arboretum Digitization Project
In late 2016, The Dawes Arboretum History Department began to prepare for the digitization of its entire archival collection. The starting point of this project would be to digitize Arboretum co-founder Bertie Dawes’s journals. This presentation, using the journals as a case study, will outline the steps small institutions can take to begin mass digitization projects that have an online presence.
Sarah Aisenbrey, archivist, The Dawes Arboretum

Janet Carleton

Vice President | Liaison to Educational Programming Committee

Society of Ohio Archivists

Last Updated on December 6, 2022 by

Newest Council Members and Council Liaisons

Although the SOA Annual meeting is over, we have a couple of new bits of information to share below:

The newest council members and treasurer have been announced!

Council Members:

  • Cate Putirskis – Special Collections Processing Manager, Ohio State University Libraries
  • Sherri Goudy – Ohio History Service Corps Member, Logan County History Center/Ohio History Connection


  • Mark Bloom – Archives Associate, Senior, The University of Akron

We also have the new list of Council Liaisons (check the various committee pages for updates soon)


Last Updated on May 18, 2021 by janet_carleton

Early Bird Registration for SOA’s 2018 Annual Meeting Ends Monday, April 30th

Just a reminder that early bird registration for SOA’s 2018 Annual Meeting ends on Monday, April 30th! That will also be the last day to register for the 50th Anniversary Mixer, which will be held Thursday, May 17 from 6-8pm at Polaris Grill. Join us to celebrate 50 years of SOA!

50 Years of New Frontiers: SOA at 50

Please join us for the Society of Ohio Archivists’ Annual Meeting Thursday May 17-Friday, May 18, 2018 at the Quest Conference Center, 8405 Pulsar Place, Columbus, Ohio, 43240.

See conference page at for more.

Plenary speaker Tanya Zanish-Belcher, president, the Society of American Archivists, and director of Special Collections & University Archivist at Wake Forest University, will discuss several key components of an archival career, including the role of mentoring and networking, keeping up with trends in archives, and why belonging to professional associations is important.

Conference hashtag: #soaam18


  • Online registration:
  • Printable form: download this PDF, and mail to Mark Bloom, Treasurer, 8477 Summer Road, Macedonia, OH 44056.
  • The meeting registration fee includes continental breakfast, lunch, and breaks (including cake!) on Friday. Due to catering restrictions, lunch cannot be guaranteed for those who register onsite.
  • Categories
    • Early bird meeting registration (ends April 30, 5 PM): $45 SOA members, $65 nonmembers, $30 students.
    • Regular meeting preregistration (May 1–May 11, 5 PM): $50 SOA members, $70 nonmembers, $35 students.
    • Onsite meeting registration (May 18): $60 SOA members, $80 nonmembers, $40 students.
    • Workshop preregistration (ends May 11, 5 PM): $20 for members of SOA/ALAO, $25 for nonmembers, and $10 for students. No onsite registration available for workshop. Limited to 40.
    • Mixer registration (ends April 30, 5pm): $20.

SOA has reserved a block of rooms at the Fairfield Inn & Suites Columbus Polaris, which is right next to both the Polaris Grill and Quest Conference Center. The rooms will be available at a discounted rate of $119 a night. Book by April 18, 2018. To reserve a room in the block, use this link, or call 614-568-0770 and mention that you are with the Society of Ohio Archivists.

50th Anniversary Mixer

6PM-8PM. Polaris Grill, 1835 Polaris Parkway, Columbus, 43240

Our 50th Anniversary Mixer will be an excellent opportunity to talk with old buddies and colleagues, and to make new friends among your SOA peers over heavy hors d’oeuvres and beverages. Also available will be a cash bar. The mixer will be limited to 50 attendees, and registration will close when early bird registration ends on April 30, or when the event is full. Remember the early bird gets the worm!

Last Updated on December 6, 2022 by

Society of Ohio Archivists’ 2018 Spring Newsletter

The front cover of the 2018 Spring Issue of the Ohio Archivist.
The Spring 2018 issue of the Ohio Archivist is now available! In this issue you will find all the information about the spring annual meeting, including details on the Thursday evening mixer and the preconference workshop. The issue also contains grant and award information; news from SOA members and institutions across the state; a recap of the joint OLHA/SOA fall meeting; and statements from the the SOA slate of candidates that will be voted on during the annual meeting. Special 50th anniversary content includes more statements from SOA past presidents by Feature Editor George Bain.

Last Updated on April 26, 2018 by

Archives Month Posters for 2016 and 2017 Now Online

If you’ve been waiting for the 2016 and 2017 Archives Month Posters to appear online, then wait no more!

We have just updated our Archives Month page to display the 2016 and 2017 Archives Month posters, as well as several previous years that were already available. Follow the link below to check them out!

Last Updated on April 16, 2018 by

Extended: Nominations for SOA Merit Award during the 50th Anniversary Celebration!

The Application due date has been extended to April 16, 2018

During the 50th Anniversary year of the Society of Ohio Archivists the Merit Award will be given to individuals or organizations that have by excellence in deeds, actions, or initiatives improved the state of archives in Ohio over the past year. The awards will be announced at the 50th Anniversary celebratory annual spring meeting on Friday, May 18, 2018 at the Quest Conference Center in Columbus, Ohio.

Applications should include the following information:
* Name of nominee;
* Nominee’s employer or institution;
* Nominee’s mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address;
* Brief reason for nomination;
* The nominator’s contact information so that the awards committee may contact you for additional information;
* Applications are due by April 16, 2018.

Applications and inquiries can be sent via e-mail or mail to Devhra BennettJones, [email protected], Lloyd Library, 917 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.

The award will be presented at the Society of Ohio Archivists Annual meeting on Friday, May 18, 2018 at the Quest Conference Center in Columbus, Ohio.

Last Updated on April 10, 2018 by

SOA Annual Meeting, 50 Years of New Frontiers: SOA at 50

The Society of Ohio Archivists is pleased to invite you to the SOA Annual Meeting, 50 Years of New Frontiers: SOA at 50, on Friday, May 18, 2018 where we will be celebrating the organization’s 50th anniversary. The meeting will be held at Quest Conference Center in Columbus, Ohio.

The plenary speaker this year will be Tanya Zanish-Belcher, current president of the Society of American Archivists and director of Special Collections & University Archivist at Wake Forest University. Ms. Zanish-Belcher will discuss several key components of an archival career, including the role of mentoring and networking, keeping up with trends in archives, and why belonging to professional associations is important.

We would also like to invite you to an informal mixer the night prior to the conference, Thursday, May 17, 2018, at the Polaris Grille. The mixer will run from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

For more information about the conference, including hotel and registration information, please visit:

We hope you can join us.


Robin Heise
SOA President, 2017-2019

Last Updated on June 24, 2022 by janet_carleton

Issues of the Ohio Archivist 1970-2001, Now Online

The Ohio State University Libraries has completed digitizing and archived the Ohio Archivist in the University’s Knowledge Bank. The Knowledge Bank ( is Ohio State’s institutional repository. Inclusion in the Knowledge Bank means that issues of the Ohio Archivist will be searchable (e.g. by Google) and available via the Internet. Other benefits of this arrangement include long-term preservation in a professionally managed repository, a worldwide audience, a long-term stable URL that can be used in citation, and an increased web presence.

The Ohio Archivist is the official newsletter of the Society of Ohio Archivists (SOA). Its primary mission is to serve as a conduit for information about the SOA and its membership. The Ohio Archivist also publishes articles containing general information about the archival profession, especially as it relates to archivists located within Ohio and the Midwest. The Ohio Archivist is published twice a year, in the spring and fall.

Issues from Spring 1970 through Spring 2001 are available online in the Knowledge Bank at the following link:

Issues from Fall 2001 through Fall 2017 are available online on the Society of Ohio Archivists’ website at the following link: 


Last Updated on April 10, 2018 by

SOA Spring 2018 Annual Conference: Registration Now Open

Registration is now open for the 2018 SOA Annual Conference, 50 Years of New Frontiers.

Online registration is available at the following link:

Early Bird Registration: Pricing for early bird registration ends April 30, 2018. Beginning May 1, $5 will be added to the cost of each registration level. Registration for the Thursday Evening Mixer CLOSES April 30, 2018.

Preconference Workshop – Finding Aids for the Future, with Morag Boyd and Cate Putirskis, The Ohio State University Libraries, co-sponsored by the Academic Library Association of Ohio
Time: Thursday, May 17, 2018, 2-5 pm (registration begins at 1:30)
Location: Ohio History Center, 3rd floor Cardinal Classroom, 800 E. 17th St, Columbus

For more information about the conference, please visit the Annual Conference page on the Society of Ohio Archivists website (

Last Updated on December 6, 2022 by

The Society of Ohio Archivists is Celebrating its 50th Anniversary!

Beginning February 27, the Society of Ohio Archivists will celebrate a half-century of service to Ohio archival repositories and archivists. To mark the occasion, we will be highlighting the accomplishments of our organization throughout the course of the year. Stay tuned to the SOA website, social media and upcoming issues of the Ohio Archivist for more information on forthcoming activities and ways to engage with SOA.

If you want to share your favorite SOA or Ohio archival memory over the coming year, be sure to tag the SOA twitter handle @ohioarchivists and use the hashtag #SOAat50.

Last Updated on July 26, 2020 by