Category Archives: SOA Committees

SOA Strategic Planning Committee: Call for Nominations

The Society of Ohio Archivists Strategic Planning Committee is seeking two At-Large members, each for a different term. SOA’s current Strategic Plan ends in 2021, so this is your chance to help craft our vision and goals of the future!

The Strategic Planning Committee works with Council and is responsible for monitoring SOA’s mission, long-term vision, and development. The committee will track SOA’s progress towards reaching the goals and objectives laid out in SOA’s most recent Strategic Plan and aid in the development of future goal. To join the committee, you must be an SOA member of good standing.

If interested, please contact committee Chair Adam Wanter) or any SOA Council member.

SOA Council Meeting Minutes for Sept 20, 2021 Available

The Society of Ohio Archivists most recent leadership meeting minutes, from September 20, 2021, can now be found on the Council Meeting Minutes page. The document includes many between-meeting actions from the spring.

Interested in SOA over time? Also on that page are minutes dating back to 1997. In addition to documenting actions from the leadership meeting, minutes include reports from the treasurer as well as from committees and task forces.

SOA Council Meeting Minutes for June 28, 2021 Available

The Society of Ohio Archivists most recent leadership meeting minutes, from June 28, 2021, can be found on the Council Meeting Minutes page. The document includes many between-meeting actions from the spring.

Interested in SOA over time? Also on that page are minutes dating back to 1997. In addition to documenting actions from the leadership meeting, minutes include reports from the treasurer as well as from committees and task forces.

SOA condemns violence against Asian American and Pacific Island people

April 8, 2021— We stand with AAPI communities as they face rising discrimination, violence, and hate crimes. Just last week, another racist attack was recorded for the world to see, as 65-year-old Vilma Kari was knocked to the ground and beaten, while bystanders did nothing. This happened two weeks after the horrific attack and murder of Soon Chung Park, Hyun Jung Grant, Suncha Kim, Yong Ae Yue, Delaina Ashley Yaun, Paul Andre Michels, Xiaojie Tan, and Daoyou Feng in Georgia, fueled by anti-Asian racism and misogyny. We are angry and we will not be silent bystanders.

The AAPI community is enduring increased acts of hatred and violence largely because of the racist rhetoric that has been so prevalent since the beginning of the pandemic. However, we know that racism towards Asian Americans and Pacific Island people is not new. As archivists, we understand and have a responsibility to not only shed light on these truths, but to also foster safe spaces for discussions about these painful and traumatic histories. We also commit to celebrating AAPI stories of joy, not just those of pain and violence. AAPI people are Americans, they belong, and their stories are part of the fabric that tells our shared past.

We endorse the statement made by the Midwest Archives Conference and encourage other institutions to take a stand as well. Unity cannot be achieved with neutrality or silence.

#StopAsianHate  #StopAAPIHate

Download statement as PDF.

For more information on the Society of Ohio Archivists Social Justice and Black Lives Matter Task Force see its webpage.

Below are a variety of resources for donating, speaking up, and examining how others are already combating racism. Continue reading

SOA Council Meeting Minutes for March 10, 2021

The Society of Ohio Archivists most recent leadership meeting minutes, from March 10, 2021, can be found on the Council Meeting Minutes page. It includes many between-meeting actions from over the winter.

Interested in SOA over time? Also on that page are minutes dating back to 1997. In addition to documenting actions from the leadership meeting, minutes include reports from the treasurer as well as from committees and task forces.

Members Named to SOA Social Justice and Black Lives Matter Task Force

The Society of Ohio Archivists Council is pleased to announce that Jessica Heys (Kettering Foundation), has been appointed Chair of SOA’s new Social Justice and Black Lives Matter Task Force.

Joining Jessica on the Task Force as members are Devhra BennettJones, Madeleine Fix (Nationwide Insurance), Kristen Newby (Ohio History Connection), Penelope Shumaker (State Library of Ohio), and Nicole Sutton (Columbus Metro Library). Sherri Goudy (Nerd Girl History Adventure), SOA President-Elect, will serve as Council Liaison.

The Task Force will be meeting (virtually) for the first time in the near future to discuss its charge and map out a way to recruit non-SOA members.

Contact: To reach out to the Task Force, please contact Chair Jessica Heys or Council Liaison Sherri Goudy. Suggestions or ideas on how to fulfill the Task Force’s mission are welcome.

For more information about the Social Justice and Black Lives Matter Task Force, visit its page here.

Call for Task Force Members – Social Justice and Black Lives Matter

To help SOA and SOA Council act upon the principles in SOA’s “Statement on Racial Inequality and Black Lives Matter,” Council has approved the creation of a Task Force on Social Justice and Black Lives Matter.

SOA Council is now seeking volunteers to fill the Task Force and is currently looking for both a chair and general members.

If you would like to join the Task Force—either as a chair or member—please fill out the linked Google Form by October 1.

For more information about the Task Force, Chair position, and membership responsibilities, see the SJBLM Task Force page.

Questions? Contact SOA President Adam Wanter.

New SOA Committee Cochairs named, summer 2020

Adam Wanter, president of the Society of Ohio Archivists, is pleased to announce new committee cochair appointments. Cochair terms are for two years, with possibility of one renewal. Terms run from June to July.

See the Committees page for information on all of SOA’s committees. Interested in committee work? Contact that committee’s chairs–info on that page.

Advocacy and Outreach
Jenifer Baker, Warren County Records Center & Archives replaces Melissa Dalton, Greene County Records Center and Archives, who was elected to Council. Jenifer joins Cochair Natalie Fritz, Clark County Historical Society.

Educational Programming
Rachael Bussert, Dayton Metro Library, replaces Stephanie Bricking, Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, who completed her term. Rachael joins Cochair William Modrow, Miami University.

Marketing and Communications
Amanda Rindler, Ohio History Connection, joins Cochair Janet Carleton, Ohio University.

SOA Council Statement on Racial Inequality and Black Lives Matter

June 3, 2020—We, at the Society of Ohio Archivists, are profoundly saddened and outraged by the numerous, unjustified deaths of Black men and women in our country.  We grieve the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless more who have died because of police brutality fueled by hate. We grieve the brutal lynching of Ahmaud Arbery at the hands of vigilante white men, including a former police officer. We condemn the use of violence, vigilantism, and the weaponization of supremacy, and we denounce police violence against Black people.

As archivists, we know this problem is deeply rooted in the history and founding of our nation. It is also rooted in our institutions, including archives. We are committed to recognizing and breaking down systems of white supremacy within our own archives. For decades, the historical narrative has largely left out the stories of Black people in our country. Part of our work as archivists includes creating a space where we can collaborate and dialogue with those whose stories have been marginalized, ignored, and silenced. Our efforts and missions include learning from the past to prepare for the future. We can only do that if we include all voices. Continue reading

Newest Council Members and Council Liaisons

Although the SOA Annual meeting is over, we have a couple of new bits of information to share below:

The newest council members and treasurer have been announced!

Council Members:

  • Cate Putirskis – Special Collections Processing Manager, Ohio State University Libraries
  • Sherri Goudy – Ohio History Service Corps Member, Logan County History Center/Ohio History Connection


  • Mark Bloom – Archives Associate, Senior, The University of Akron

We also have the new list of Council Liaisons (check the various committee pages for updates soon)