Author Archives: Amber Bales

SOA Election Results 2023

SOA Election Results 2023

During the recent Annual Meeting at the Dayton Metro Library new council members were elected.

SOA would like to welcome the following new leaders:

  • Melissa Dalton, Preserve It, LLC, President (2023-2024)
  • Matt Francis, Ohio Northern University, Vice President/President-Elect (2023-2024)
  • Shelby Beatty, Sinclair Community College, Secretary (2023-2025)
  • Kristen Newby, Columbus Metropolitan Library, Council Member (2023-2025)

A big thanks to the Nominating Committee. Also, thank you to everyone who participated!

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Save The Date!

Save the Date for the Ohio Archives Month Poster Unveiling!

creative commons stock photo of post it note saying Save the Date!

(cc) save the date by lisa.scheer.stbv

On Thursday, September 7 at 3pm, the Advocacy and Outreach Committee will also host an unveiling event online (through Zoom). Mark your calendars and please join us!

 The top 10 photographs selected by you (SOA membership) can be viewed on the SOA blog: Congrats to The University of Akron Archives and Special Collections for having the top images and thanks to everyone that submitted. We could not create the poster without your help.

 These 10 photographs are sent to the designer for consideration in the final poster design. Posters will be mailed to SOA members by the end of September.

Thank you,

Society of Ohio Archivists Advocacy and Outreach Committee

Questions? Contact the committee at [email protected].