Category Archives: SOA Spring Conference

Reminder: Register for 2020 SOA Annual Meeting: Archiving 100 Years of Change

Kimberly A. Hamlin portrait

Plenary speaker Kimberly A. Hamlin, award-winning historian, speaker, and writer.

Join your colleagues on Tuesday June 16 & Wednesday June 17, for the 2020 Society of Ohio Archivists virtual conference, Archiving 100 Years of Change.

Plenary: Starting off the conference our plenary speaker, Kimberly Hamlin will speak on “Finding Sex, Race, and Suffrage in the Archives: What I Found When I Looked for Helen Hamilton Gardener in the Library of Congress’s Manuscript Collections.” This lecture 9am-10am, is free and open to the public! Register for the lecture here. Continue reading

2020 SOA Annual Meeting: Archiving 100 Years of Change

Join your colleagues on Tuesday June 16 & Wednesday June 17, for the 2020 Society of Ohio Archivists virtual conference, Archiving 100 Years of Change.

Kimberly A. Hamlin portrait

Plenary speaker Kimberly A. Hamlin, award-winning historian, speaker, and writer.

Starting off the conference our plenary speaker, Kimberly Hamlin, will be discussing sex, race, and suffrage in the archives, based on her research into suffragist Helen Hamilton Gardener. Over the course of two days, we will have sessions discussing digitizing community collections, digital preservation, preserving oral histories, learning from challenges in the archives and more. We hope to “see” you at our upcoming meeting on Zoom!

Schedule: To see the full schedule and to register, visit the SOA conference page at

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SOA Annual Conference 2020 (virtual): Save the Dates June 16-17!

Kimberly A. Hamlin portrait

Plenary speaker Kimberly A. Hamlin, award-winning historian, speaker, and writer.

Save the dates! SOA has moved its annual conference online! Join us Tuesday June 16-Wednesday June 17, 2020, for our virtual conference, Archiving 100 Years of Change. Watch the annual conference website for more details, including the schedule and registration, as they are updated to reflect meeting virtually.

Can’t wait to see you in June!
Questions? Please contact Society of Ohio Archivists’s Educational Programming Committee Cochairs Stephanie Bricking or
William Modrow

Now Full! SOA/ALAO SCAig Joint Workshop Now Virtual on May 14, 2020–Register Now

Recording is now available at

Workshop: Opening Doors: Outreach with Archives and Special Collections

Great news! Our joint Society of Ohio Archivists/Special Collections & Archives interest group (SCAig) of ALAO workshop has moved online!

Date/Time: Thursday, May 14, 2020, 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Place: Live online with Zoom
Cost: FREE
Limited to 80 participants!
Register now at Continue reading

Cancelled: SOA Annual Meeting, May 14-15, 2020 (Now virtual June 16-17)

The Annual Meeting will now be virtual on June 16-17, 2020! Watch the annual meeting page for updates!

Based on recent developments regarding COVID-19, the uncertainty it has created, and the great health risk it poses, Council has decided to cancel the 2020 Ohio Archivists’ Annual Meeting scheduled for May 14-15, 2020 at the Columbus Metropolitan Main Library in Columbus.

Discussions are ongoing regarding the possible rescheduling of the conference/preconference workshop for another date or other alternative options. As decisions are made, we will continue to update you. Continue reading

EXTENDED CFP: SOA 2020: Archiving 100 Years of Change

The Society of Ohio Archivists’ Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, May 15, 2020, at the Columbus Metropolitan Main Library in Columbus, Ohio. #soaam20

Please complete the Call for Proposals Form  January 15, 2020 extended to January 21 at 5:00 p.m.

The Society of Ohio Archivists is returning to Columbus for its 2020 annual meeting! In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment, this year’s theme will focus on documenting social change. The committee welcomes submissions relating directly to the theme, along with a broad array of other topics. Continue reading

It’s not too late! Register onsite for SOA Annual Meeting in Akron

Want to attend SOA in Akron but forgot to preregister? No worries! You can still register onsite on Friday, May 17th!

See and follow the hashtag #soaam19

2019 Annual Meeting: Invention and Innovation

The Friday Conference will be held at the Hilton Akron/Fairlawn Hotel, 3180 W. Market St, Akron.

Onsite meeting registration:

  •  $60 SOA members; $80 nonmembers; $40 students. Due to catering restrictions, we cannot guarantee lunch for onsite registrants.
  • No onsite Workshop or Mixer registration.

Note: Full membership is just $15, so that can save you $, and we’d love to have you! Join here:

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Call to Membership: SOA Constitution and Bylaws Revisions

Council has been working very hard updating the SOA Strategic Plan over the last year. One piece of that work has been amending our Constitution and Bylaws. Linked here is the marked-up draft of proposed amendments to the SOA Constitution and Bylaws, as proposed by six current SOA members. These amendments will be voted on by members during the upcoming business meeting that will be held on Friday, May 17, 2019 at the SOA Annual Conference in Akron. Members are invited to bring their questions and comments up at the time of the business meeting or send them to me directly at [email protected]. All questions and comments that I receive will be brought up at the business meeting in May.

I hope to see many of you in a few weeks in Akron!

Robin Heise

SOA President (2017-2019)

Records Manager/Archivist

Greene County Records Center and Archives

535 Ledbetter Road, Xenia, OH 45385

Tel: (937) 562-6489

Fax: (937) 562-6485

Email: [email protected]

SOA Annual Conference Early Bird Registration Closes April 30th

A friendly reminder that early bird registration ends on April 30th.

Join us in Akron on May 16-17, 2019, for two days of Invention and Innovation!

Much more information on the conference page! Follow along on Twitter at #soaam19.

Thursday, May 16

Pre-conference workshops led by Drs. Karen Gracy and Heather Soyka, held at the Kent State University Library.

    • Morning (9:00 a.m. – noon): Fundamentals of Born-Digital Archiving
    • Afternoon (2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.): Beyond the Basics: More Concepts and Strategies for Digital Archiving
    • Early bird pricing for SOA members: $30 for 1 workshop or $50 for both! Early bird registration ends April 30th.

Evening Mixer at the National Museum for the History of Psychology, where you can tour the museum and mingle with colleagues. 6:00-8:00 p.m. / $25 to register. Registration closes April 30th.

Friday, May 17

Annual Meeting at the Hilton Akron/Fairlawn Hotel from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The day starts off with a plenary from Kathleen Roe, past president of the Society of American Archivists. Her talk, “Reimagining the Future of the Archival Past,” will focus on the future of archival work, including ensuring our institutions collect materials that reflect a comprehensive, inclusive past, conveying the value of archives in meaningful ways to a wide range of users and audiences, and stepping forward to strengthen our profession and its role in our communities and society.

Join us for sessions on building a diverse repository, collaborative projects, job hunting, processing collections, and teaching in the archives, as well as mini-workshops on advocacy and records management. Attendees will also have the option to attend poster sessions, mock job interviews, and bid in the annual silent auction.

Annual meeting early bird registration is only $45 for SOA members! Early bird registration ends April 30th. Register at