Author Archives: janet_carleton

Fall 2019 Ohio Archivist is out!

Ohio Archivist 2019 Fall cover The Fall 2019 issue of the Ohio Archivist is now available on the website at

Please note that the newsletter was sent to current members via email on August 28. If you did not receive that email, check with SOA Liaison Betsy Hedler at regarding your membership status.

In this issue you will find a recap of the SOA Spring Conference, information about the upcoming Fall Meeting, a new Digital Discussions article, and much more!

SOA & Ohio Local History Alliance 2019 Joint Meeting: Local History is American History

Registration Now Open: Join us at the 2019 Joint Meeting: Local History is American History!

October 4-5, 2019 – Crowne Plaza Columbus-Dublin, Dublin, Ohio

This is the Ohio Local History Alliance’s annual meeting with the addition of a SOA track on Friday (day 1), serving as SOA’s fall conference. Come for SOA’s sessions or come for the entire conference!

Registration: Member (SOA/OLHA) $85; Nonmember $105; Student -40%. Also single day rates and preconference workshop available. Preregister online by September 20.

Program: For more information on the full program see or download the program brochure.

SOA TRACK – Friday Oct 4

  • 9-9:50am – Where Were You the Last 200 Years? Building a Diverse and Inclusive Repository for Underrepresented Communities. Gino Pasi & Lori Harris, University of Cincinnati
  • 10:10-11:00am – Locating Local Manumission Records: Antebellum Ohio, the Journey North. Robin Heise, Greene County Records Center and Archives; Amy Brickey, History Works, Inc.
  • 11:20-12:10pm – Moving Archives: Experiences from Two Repositories. Christine Schmid Engels, Scott Gampfer, & Annie Kling, Cincinnati Museum Center; William Modrow, Miami University
  • 2:00-2:50pm – Navigating Complex Issues in Modern Archival Collections: Privacy and Copyright. Virginia Dressler and Cindy Kristof, Kent State University
  • 3:10-4:00pm – Ask a Records Manager. Robin Heise, Greene County Records Center and Archives; Nathan Owens, Office of Ohio Attorney General; Tina Ratcliff, Montgomery County Records Center & Archives; Pari Swift, The Ohio State University

Questions? Contact Stephanie Bricking, Educational Programing chair at [email protected].

SOA Annual Meeting Preconference Workshops Announced

Registration coming soon!

Workshop I: Fundamentals of Born-Digital Archiving (Beginner)
THURSDAY MAY 16, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM – Kent State University Libraries, Kent.
Instructors: Dr. Gracy & Dr. Soyka

This workshop is designed for archivists with little or no prior experience with the management of digital records and objects. Instructors will cover basic concepts of digital preservation and electronic recordkeeping, and will provide multiple examples to illustrate concepts and challenges.

Topics to be addressed will include:
• Types of digital records and media formats
• Digital longevity challenges
• Metadata requirements for digital archiving, including technical and administrative data needs
• Practical digital preservation strategies, including refreshing, reformatting, and migration
• Software tools for digital preservation activities, such as checksum generation/validation, file characterization/validation, and metadata harvesting
• Demonstrations of basic workflows for acquisition, appraisal, preservation, and access to digital records/objects, including a walkthrough of Archivematica
• Communicating with administrators about digital archiving requirements

Attendees will also engage in hands-on exercises designed to help them apply what they are learning to particular record types and varied scenarios. Limited to 30 per workshop.

Workshop II: Beyond the Basics: More Concepts and Strategies for Digital Archiving (Intermediate/Advanced)
THURSDAY MAY 16, 2:00 PM-5:00 PM – Kent State University Libraries, Kent.
Instructors: Dr. Gracy & Dr. Soyka

The afternoon session is designed for archivists with some prior experience and comfort with the basics of electronic recordkeeping and digital archiving (as described in the morning session above). In this interactive afternoon session, we’ll dig into the complexities of decision-making for records retention, appraisal, digitization, and access. We’ll explore hot topics like email retention, archiving social media, and digital forensics, using tools like ePADD, Archive-It, and BitCurator, and look at various repository solutions for digital archiving. Finally, we’ll look at the National Digital Stewardship Alliance’s Levels of Digital Preservation and consider how to make progress with digital archiving goals, depending upon your repository’s resources and digital archiving requirements. Limited to 30 per workshop.


    • Early Bird Workshop Registration
      • SOA members: $30 for 1 workshop / $50 for 2 workshops; Nonmembers $35 for 1/$55 for 2; Students $25 for 1/$45 for 2.
      • Through April 30
    • Regular Preregistration–through May 10
      • SOA members: $40 for 1 workshop / $60 for 2 workshops; Nonmembers $45 for 1/$65 for 2; Students $35 for 1/$55 for 2.
      • Through May 1-May 10
    • Onsite Registration: No onsite workshop registration.

Dr. Karen Gracy portraitInstructor: Dr. Karen F. Gracy is an associate professor in the School of Information at Kent State University. She teaches courses in the digital preservation and archival studies areas, with a particular interest in preservation of audiovisual resources. Dr. Gracy’s scholarly interests are found within the domain of cultural heritage stewardship, including applications of semantic technologies to improve description and access to archival materials. She is co-editor-in-chief of Preservation, Digital Technology and Culture, and recently edited Emerging Trends in Archival Science, a collection of research presented by scholars at the 2016 AERI conference held at Kent State.

Heather Soyka portraitInstructor: Dr. Heather Soyka is an assistant professor at the Kent State University iSchool, teaching in the areas of archives and special collections. She has been an active member of the Society of American Archivists for over a decade, and currently serves on the editorial board for the American Archivist and as the co-chair of the annual SAA Research Forum. She completed her PhD in archival studies/library and information sciences at the University of Pittsburgh.

Fall 2014 Ohio Archivist is out

The Fall 2014 issue of the Society’s newsletter, the Ohio Archivist, is now available for download from this site and issuu.

Articles and news items include: “‘History’s First Draft’ Online: NDNP in Ohio” by Jenni Salamon, “What is Your Personal Digital ‘Ecosystem’?” by Daniel Noonan, News & Notes, Ohio Grant News, Annual Meeting Summary, Archives Month, Fall Meeting, Merit Awards, National History Day in Ohio Awards, and the New Professional and Student Conference Scholarship Award essays.

New Membership Outreach Tools

SOA pencils for outreach activities

SOA pencils for outreach activities

The SOA Membership Committee has purchased equipment for membership display tables for conferences and other public events. We now have three sets of full-length table-cloths, display banners for the front of the table, and hardware to fasten the banners and other displays. Additionally, we have 1,000 pencils to offer as conference giveaways; the pencils include the SOA url.

These items are presently with Ron Davidson at the Sandusky Library, but sets will soon be distributed to strategic locations throughout the state, including Columbus and other yet to be determined sites. They will be available for members to use wherever SOA is represented. For more information, contact Ron Davidson, Membership Committee chair.

SOA banner for outreach activities

SOA banner for outreach activities

Spring Issue of Ohio Archivist Now Available

The Ohio Archivist editorial board is pleased to announce the spring issue of the Ohio Archivist is now available.

Access it from the Newsletter page. The more recent issues are also available through issuu at

This issue contains:


  •  An Archival Literacy Assignment by Leah Schmidt
  •  Disability: Uncovering Our Hidden History by Barbara Floyd
  •  Go-To Digital Resources by Daniel Noonan
  •  The Past is Prologue: Archival Literacy as Bridge between Archivists and Educators by Shelley Blundell

SOA and Ohio Archives News

  •  Annual Meeting Overview & Registration by Suzanne Maggard
  •  Archives Month update by George Bain
  •  Engaging and Attracting SOA Members by Emily Gainer
  •  Fall Joint Meeting Recap by Christine Schmid Engels
  •  News & Notes by Lisa Rickey
  •  Ohio Grant News by Lisa Rickey
  •  President’s Message by Judy Wiener
  •  Public Information Committee News by Jennifer Long Morehart
  •  Slate of Candidates by Jane Wildermuth
  •  SOA Committees–You are Invited! by Nathan Tallman

