Recordings Available for SOA 2021 Annual Meeting: Archives in an Era of Change

Recordings are now available from the virtual Society of Ohio Archivists 2021 Annual Meeting: Archives in an Era of Change (June 7-8, 2021).

Find them on the SOA’s YouTube channel SOAam21playlist. Or linked next to the sessions in the Schedule At A Glance on the Annual Meetings page.

Speaker slides are being added as we receive them, also on the Annual Meetings page.

Questions? Contact the Educational Programming Committee Cochairs Rachael Bussert and Anne Ryckbost.

Last Updated on June 23, 2021 by janet_carleton

SOA Election Results 2021

Amy Rohmiller

Amy Rohmiller, Vice President/President-Elect

For the second year in a row, the Society of Ohio Archivists held its normally scheduled election online May 14-28. The online election was again necessitated by current conditions and the lack of an in-person Annual Meeting (held June 7-8 virtually this year and free to membership).


Jen Johnson, Secretary

The results of the election are now in and officially recognized. SOA would like to welcome the following new leaders:

  • Amy Rohmiller, University of Dayton, Vice President/President-Elect (2021-2022)
  • Jen Johnson, State Library of Ohio, Secretary (2021-2023)
  • Sasha Griffin, Denison University, Council (2021-2023)

Sasha Griffin, Council

A big thank you to Jenifer Baker and Marsha Miles for running, and the Nominating Committee. Also, thank you to everyone who participated!

For more on the new officers and Council member, see the Candidate Statements in this 4-page extract from the Ohio Archivist, spring 2021.

Officer Transitions

  • Sherri Goudy, Nerd Girl History Adventure, transitions from Vice President/President-Elect to President.
  • Adam Wanter, MidPointe Library, transitions from President to Past-President.
  • Robin Heise, Greene County Records Center and Archives, transitions out of SOA Leadership. Council cannot heap enough praise on Robin for all that she has done and for her great leadership.

Committee Leadership Appointments and Departures

Another big thank you also goes out to outgoing, incoming, and reappointed committee leadership:

  • Educational Planning Committee: Bill Modrow, Miami University, whose term as EPC cochair comes to an end with the 2021 Annual Conference. Welcome to incoming Cochair Anne Ryckbost, Xavier University, who is joining current Cochair Rachael Bussert, Dayton Metro Library.
  • Marketing and Communications Committee: Janet Carleton, Ohio University, has been reappointed for a second term as MCC cochair, joining current Cochair Amanda Rindler, Ohio History Connection.
  • Membership and Awards Committee: Stephanie Shreffler, University of Dayton, has been reappointed for a second term as MAC cochair, joining current Cochair Matt Francis, Ohio Northern University.
  • Nominating Committee: Robin Heise, Greene County Records Center and Archives, whose term comes to an end as the chair position resides with the Past President. Adam Wanter, MidPointe Library System assumes the role of chair.
  • Ohio Archivist: Kayla Harris, University of Dayton, whose term as Editor-in-Chief comes to an end. Welcome to incoming Editor Abigail Sachs.

For more information see the Officer and Council Member roster, Committees & Task Forces page, and the Nominating Committee page.

Last Updated on June 10, 2021 by janet_carleton

Virtual Meet-Up: Post-SOA Annual Meeting, Wed June 9

The Society of Ohio Archivists Advocacy and Outreach Committee is hosting a virtual informal “Meet-Up” on Wednesday, June 9, 2001 at 3pm (Eastern), via Zoom.

This will be a fun opportunity for Ohio archivists to get together, following the virtual SOA Annual Meeting on June 7-8. There will be trivia and an opportunity to share and chat with fellow archivists.

Registration is required to receive the meeting link. Please email Connie Conner to register.

We hope you can join!

Questions? Contact the Advocacy and Outreach Committee Cochairs Natalie Fritz and Jenifer Baker.

Last Updated on June 2, 2021 by janet_carleton

Register Now for SOA 2021 Annual Meeting: Archives in an Era of Change

Register now to join your colleagues (virtually) at the Society of Ohio Archivists 2021 Annual Meeting: Archives in an Era of Change, Monday June 7 & Tuesday June 8.

Two days of sessions on current topics, a virtual archives crawl, awards ceremony, annual business meeting, and a thoughtful plenary (all via Zoom). Plus registration is FREE for members!*

Much more, including the full schedule, on the Annual Meeting page. Continue reading

Last Updated on October 6, 2021 by janet_carleton

2021 Winners for SOA History Day Award

The Society of Ohio Archivists Membership and Awards Committee is pleased to announce the 2021 SOA History Day Awards. The awardees were selected from submissions for the award, from among those advancing to the state finals competition which was held virtually on Saturday, April 24.

Junior Award: Angela D’Souza, Birchwood School of Hawken, for her junior individual documentary, “The Cleveland Free-Net: How a Case Western Reserve University Experiment Opened a New World of Communication.” Angela worked with archivists at Case Western Reserve University to obtain primary source documents and resources about the Cleveland Free-Net that she used in her documentary. She also interviewed the widow of the creator of Free-Net, who gave her additional photos and primary sources she used.

Senior Award: Brendan Zbanek, Mary Basilion, Zara Braun, Shaker Heights High School, for their senior group performance, “Tinker v. Des Moines: The Student Led Fight For Free Speech.” Brendan, Mary, and Zara researched the Supreme Court case files, and read books from the 1960s to fully understand the time period. They also conducted an interview with Mary Beth Tinker, the plaintiff in the case, and incorporated her firsthand knowledge of the case into their performance. Continue reading

Last Updated on May 26, 2021 by janet_carleton

Ballot Available for 2021 SOA Election

It’s time to vote for Society of Ohio Archivists Leadership!

All current members of SOA should have received an email with a link to the ballot for officers and Council members today, May 14. The ballot will be available May 14-28. If you did not receive one, and you have checked your junk folder, please contact Matt Francis, cochair of the Membership & Awards Committee, to check on your membership status.

Please see the Candidate Statements in this 4-page extract from the Ohio Archivist, spring 2021.

2021 Slate of Candidates

  • Vice President/President-elect: Amy Rohmiller
  • Secretary: Jen Johnson
  • Council (1 open seat): Jenifer Baker, Sasha Griffin, Marsha Miles

Thank you to the Nominating Committee for their work.

Last Updated on May 17, 2021 by janet_carleton

Ohio Archivist Spring 2021 Issue Available

Ohio Archivist Spring 2021 Issue coverThe spring 2021 issue of Ohio Archivist, SOA’s biennial publication, is now available to download as a PDF or view in ISSUU!

In this issue you will find a information about the virtual Annual Meeting on the theme Archives in an Era of Change, a feature story on Oberlin women and the suffrage movement, and a new Digital Discussions article.

You’ll also find the 2021 slate of candidates for Council. The election will be held online again this year. Voting information will be sent to members Friday, May 14. Voting will close on May 28.

– Archives in an Era of Change: Annual Meeting 2021
– President’s Message
– SOA News: 2021 Slate of Candidates; 2020 Joint Meeting Recap: History is Happening Now!; Archives Month Poster
– “Oberlin College, the Suffrage Movement, and Oberlin Women in leadership'” by Ken Grossi
– Digital Discussions: “Privacy considerations in Digital Collections” by Virginia Dressler
– News & Notes
– Editor’s Note

See all past Ohio Archivist issues on that publication’s page.

Last Updated on May 17, 2021 by janet_carleton

Vote for 2021 Archives Month Poster Images Now!

SOA’s Advocacy and Outreach Committee is pleased to announce that voting is now open for images for inclusion on the 2021 Ohio Archives Month poster!

We have some fantastic submissions of images of Ohio’s outdoor spaces, with more than 20 organizations participating this year. Now we need your votes!

How To Vote

  • Voting begins Monday, April 19 and ends Friday, May 7, 2021.
  • Vote for your top ten images by selecting/clicking on the image, which will highlight the selection in blue.
  • Once you’ve made your selections, click the arrow at the bottom on the page to record your vote.
  • You can choose up to, but no more than, ten images for your vote to be counted.
  • Please only vote once.
  • Click here to vote

Once voting is complete, the winner(s) will be notified via email. Continue reading

Last Updated on April 27, 2021 by janet_carleton

Social Media Engagement Calendar for Ohio Archives Released for 2021

The Society of Ohio Archivists Advocacy and Outreach Committee announces a new project–a 2021 Social Media Engagement Calendar for Ohio Archives.

This Google Doc features lots of social media engagement opportunities. It includes monthly observances and holidays (both national and international), known hashtag prompts, and general information that will hopefully provide you and your archival repositories with new outlets for sharing material, interacting with fellow archives, and interacting with the public.

A&O plans to provide yearly updates. There are probably many things we’ve missed on the list, so please feel free to share with us any other special days, hashtags, and opportunities for engagement throughout the year if you don’t see them listed! We’ll continue to add to the calendar as we learn new things!

Questions or Dates to Add? Contact the Advocacy and Outreach Committee Cochairs Natalie Fritz and Jenifer Baker.

Last Updated on April 20, 2021 by janet_carleton

SOA condemns violence against Asian American and Pacific Island people

April 8, 2021— We stand with AAPI communities as they face rising discrimination, violence, and hate crimes. Just last week, another racist attack was recorded for the world to see, as 65-year-old Vilma Kari was knocked to the ground and beaten, while bystanders did nothing. This happened two weeks after the horrific attack and murder of Soon Chung Park, Hyun Jung Grant, Suncha Kim, Yong Ae Yue, Delaina Ashley Yaun, Paul Andre Michels, Xiaojie Tan, and Daoyou Feng in Georgia, fueled by anti-Asian racism and misogyny. We are angry and we will not be silent bystanders.

The AAPI community is enduring increased acts of hatred and violence largely because of the racist rhetoric that has been so prevalent since the beginning of the pandemic. However, we know that racism towards Asian Americans and Pacific Island people is not new. As archivists, we understand and have a responsibility to not only shed light on these truths, but to also foster safe spaces for discussions about these painful and traumatic histories. We also commit to celebrating AAPI stories of joy, not just those of pain and violence. AAPI people are Americans, they belong, and their stories are part of the fabric that tells our shared past.

We endorse the statement made by the Midwest Archives Conference and encourage other institutions to take a stand as well. Unity cannot be achieved with neutrality or silence.

#StopAsianHate  #StopAAPIHate

Download statement as PDF.

For more information on the Society of Ohio Archivists Social Justice and Black Lives Matter Task Force see its webpage.

Below are a variety of resources for donating, speaking up, and examining how others are already combating racism. Continue reading

Last Updated on September 1, 2022 by janet_carleton