The 2021 theme for the Ohio Archives Month poster was Ohio’s Wonderland: Unboxing The Great Outdoors. For the past year and a half, many have been cooped up indoors and apart from others more than ever before, but the outdoors have always offered an escape! The SOA Advocacy and Outreach Committee invited repositories and institutions across the state to submit their photographs, documents, or other graphical materials that highlight Ohio’s outdoor spaces. (Download the poster as a PDF.)
We received submissions on the theme from 23 institutions, for a total of 65 photographs and documents! The submissions were compiled, and 10 images were selected as winners through online voting by you. We were able to feature 3 of these images on this year’s Archive Month poster.
See our 2021 poster page for the images featured on the poster from the Sandusky Library, University of Akron, and the Ohio History Connection, as well as the other winning submissions, and the full text of the poster.
Thank you to the following institutions for their participation: Bowling Green State University; Cincinnati Art Museum; Clark County Historical Society; Cleveland Metro Parks; Dawes Arboretum; Dayton Metropolitan Library; Defiance College Archives; Greene County Archives; Heritage Commission Corporation in South Charleston; Kettering Foundation; Lloyd Library and Museum; Logan County Historical Society; Medway Area Historical Society; New Carlisle Historical Society; Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey; Ohio Department of Transportation; Ohio Outdoor Sculpture Project; Ohio University; Summit Metro Parks; University of Dayton.
We hope everyone takes the opportunity this Archives Month to promote their institution and collections. We look forward to hearing from you over the month. Be sure to check the SOA website and Twitter account regularly for updates on the various Archives Month activities throughout the state!
Questions? Contact the Advocacy and Outreach Committee Cochairs Natalie Fritz and Jenifer Baker.
Last Updated on December 8, 2021 by janet_carleton