Archives Month 2015

Previous Archives Month Posters

The theme for Archives Month in Ohio in 2015 is “Both Local and Global: STEM Activity in Ohio.”
2015 Archives Month Poster

Some things that are local are also important and significant nationally if not globally. With this sentiment in mind, we are focusing this year on the specific area of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics—known better by the acronym “STEM.” In the realm of STEM Ohioans have many achievements for which we can take great pride. SOA calls this to mind especially in our poster.

2015 Poster

In a year that has seen a new biography of the Wright brothers by David McCullough and the completion of new statue of Thomas Edison that will soon stand in the US Capitol Building, the 2015 Archives Month poster includes photos from repositories that cover a broad palette. There are photos of a 1917 scarlet fever quarantine at Defiance College, John Glenn being fitted for his space suit in 1961, Franciscan nuns assisting doctors in an operation in Columbus in 1905, and BF Goodrich scientists working to develop synthetic rubber in the early 1940s.


Archives, museums, historical societies, libraries, and other organizations with archival and history collections are invited to participate in Archives Month this year by scheduling a special event or exhibit or lecture to highlight the collections in your institution. We anticipate being able to mail copies of the Archives Month Poster to members during September.

This year also marks the second year of the Ohio-wide “I Found It in the Archives” competition, with an award to be presented to the winner as part of the Ohio Local History Alliance meeting in early October. Connect here for more information on the meeting.

Other suggested activities include:

  • Hold a kick-off reception with a featured speaker on the importance of preserving archival records, e.g., an archivist or librarian, researcher, or local government official. Don’t forget to invite the press!
  • Display the official Archives Month Poster in your offices.
  • Develop a website consisting of your institution’s contributions, if any, to the Ohio Memory Project.
  • Send press releases to local media, including a description of your archival materials, an article using research from the materials in your collection, or photographs of some of the most interesting materials in your collection.
  • Contact your local government officials and organizations in your community to let them know about Archives Month. Offer to speak about your collection and what resources in your collection could be of use to them. Or (if possible) offer to be a repository for their historic materials or offer your expertise in helping them organize their archives.
  • Create an exhibit of some of your materials in your institution.
  • Have a program of readings that feature choice items from your collections and have members of your community do the reading! Better yet, get together with other repositories in your community or region for a joint program.

Once you have decided on an event or program, please submit it to the calendar of events for Archives Month in Ohio.

  • More information about Archives Month
  • Visit the Society of American Archivists’ American Archives Month page for more resources on Archives Month
  • Download the official Archives Month Poster
  • Check the schedule of Archives Month Events and Activities around the State
  • View an exhibit of our past Archives Month Posters

Committee members
George Bain (chair)
Jennifer Brancato
Kelly Brown
Connie Connor
John Crissinger
Kevin Grace
Ken Grossi
Robin Heise
Caroline ibbotson
Jacky Johnson
Justin Risner
Jennie Thomas

Last Updated on October 16, 2020 by janet_carleton